Good morning all..I wanted to send out a devotion today that Ray did for our really encouraged me..for those of you from may receive this twice. I believe it will truly minister to your hearts. The Lord bless all of you.
John 8:11
“Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”
This is from a familiar bible story where the woman who was caught in adultery was brought before Jesus. Open your mind’s eye to let yourself be an eyewitness to the scene.
The Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery into the temple where Jesus was teaching. “Moses’ Law states that this woman should be stoned to death. What say you?” they said. They were using the Law to try and trick Jesus, knowing that He preached forgiveness as opposed to Moses’ Law that states the woman be stoned to death for the act of adultery.
You then see Jesus not give a response to their question but to stoop down and write something on the ground with His finger. Remember that this happened in the temple and there the ground wasn’t dirt (as most stories and movies depict) but was of made of stone. Who else wrote with their finger on stones (tablets)?
It was as if Jesus was stating: “You question me about the Law, don’t you realize it was I that wrote the Law on tablets of stone”! He then responds by saying: “Ye who is without sin, cast the first stone.” And returned to writing on the ground. One by one they left until it was just the woman and Jesus. He then asks her: “Where are thou accusers”? Has no one condemned you?” She responds: “No one my Lord.” He then says the most important words a believer needs to understand: “Neither do I condemn you. Now go and sin no more”.
This is a great story of forgiveness but there’s more to the story than that what was said or written. Let’s look at the story from the woman’s perspective and how it pertains to us. She had committed a sin punishable by death. The Law’s purpose is to bring someone to the end of their selves. Look where the law took her; into the presence of Jesus! The Law did its work!
Jesus’ response to the Law was just like a school teacher would say to a tutor: “You’ve done a good job up till now, but I’ll take it from here”! As she stood there with Jesus and the Pharisees, When Jesus said: “Ye who is without sin cast the first stone” the Pharisees knew they didn’t qualify. But there was a man present who qualified, a man who was without sin. Jesus Himself! He qualified to be able to cast the first stone, but He didn’t!
Look at Jesus interaction with the woman after the Pharisees left. He never questioned her about her sin. He never let her feel shame from Him. Knowing that He would soon go to the cross and die a horrific death to pay the price for the sins of the world, including hers, He never let her feel the guilt of what’s ahead for Him.
And lastly, please note that Jesus said to her: Neither do I condemn you, NOW go and sin no more. He didn’t say stop sinning and then I won’t condemn you. He gave her the gift of “No Condemnation” FIRST, so she could go and “sin no more”. Jesus does the same for us. The work He did on the cross takes away the shame and guilt of our sin, and the gift of “No Condemnation” gives us the power to “sin no more”! Now, continuing in the story, if we could interview the woman, I think she would say something like this:
2 Corinthians 9:15
“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!”
1 John 3:21 "And beloved, if our consciences do not accuse us..if they do not make us feel guilty and condemn us..we have confidence (complete assurance and boldness) before God." Amp. Bible
How often I've called you in love and in tenderness.
How often I've sung over you in the night and rejoiced over you in the day.
And yet, how often I've heard you..frustrated with yourself.
I've heard your private battle cry against yourself.
Why? Have I waged war against My beloved?
Have I instructed you to hurl rebukes and angry insults at My chosen?
Am I to wear the uniform of the enemy and take sides against My own? Never!
I am He who calls you to the glorious kingdom of peace and of righteousness.
I am the One who gives you new life, and who takes sin and hatred from you.
Would you accuse me of sending you that which I have freed you from?
When you came, holding your heart out to Me, I lifted you up into My own heart.
I see you as are and precious gem...fitting perfectly in the Father's resplendent heavenly crown. I have made a gem out of you.
I am creating a new heart in you.
And now, you war against that very times, even devaluing the jewel of God that you are. Peace, I give to you, dear one...peace to be yourself, and to enjoy being the person I have made you to be.
To speak kindly to yourself is to humble yourself.
To hold yourself in esteem is to humble yourself.
To be gentle with yourself is to hold Me in esteem.
Because you love Me, end the war with yourself.
by M. Chapian
How often I've called you in love and in tenderness.
How often I've sung over you in the night and rejoiced over you in the day.
And yet, how often I've heard you..frustrated with yourself.
I've heard your private battle cry against yourself.
Why? Have I waged war against My beloved?
Have I instructed you to hurl rebukes and angry insults at My chosen?
Am I to wear the uniform of the enemy and take sides against My own? Never!
I am He who calls you to the glorious kingdom of peace and of righteousness.
I am the One who gives you new life, and who takes sin and hatred from you.
Would you accuse me of sending you that which I have freed you from?
When you came, holding your heart out to Me, I lifted you up into My own heart.
I see you as are and precious gem...fitting perfectly in the Father's resplendent heavenly crown. I have made a gem out of you.
I am creating a new heart in you.
And now, you war against that very times, even devaluing the jewel of God that you are. Peace, I give to you, dear one...peace to be yourself, and to enjoy being the person I have made you to be.
To speak kindly to yourself is to humble yourself.
To hold yourself in esteem is to humble yourself.
To be gentle with yourself is to hold Me in esteem.
Because you love Me, end the war with yourself.
by M. Chapian
Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord
"Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord" 2 Corinthians6:17
My beloved, you do not need to make your path..for I go before you. Yes, I will engineer circumstances on your behalf. I am your husband. I will protect you, care for you, and make full provision for you.
I know your need, and I am concerned for you..for your peace, your health, and your strength. I cannot use a tired body, and ask that you take time to renew yourself in Me Spiritually..but also rest physically. I am the God who said, "Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength"
Set your heart to be at peace, and learn to sit at My feet. Learn to be ready... but not to be anxious. Learn to say "no" to human demands and say "yes" to the call of the Spirit. These may sometimes be at variance. Do not be distressed by the misunderstanding of people. Let Me take care of you. If; you try to answer every demand on your life, you will fall into a deep snare..where I never intended you to be.
I will nourish you by the brook, as I nourished Elijah, and I will speak to you out of the bush, as I spoke to Moses. I will reveal My glory to you on the hillside, as I did to the shepherds.
Come away, My beloved.
Frances J. Roberts
My beloved, you do not need to make your path..for I go before you. Yes, I will engineer circumstances on your behalf. I am your husband. I will protect you, care for you, and make full provision for you.
I know your need, and I am concerned for you..for your peace, your health, and your strength. I cannot use a tired body, and ask that you take time to renew yourself in Me Spiritually..but also rest physically. I am the God who said, "Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength"
Set your heart to be at peace, and learn to sit at My feet. Learn to be ready... but not to be anxious. Learn to say "no" to human demands and say "yes" to the call of the Spirit. These may sometimes be at variance. Do not be distressed by the misunderstanding of people. Let Me take care of you. If; you try to answer every demand on your life, you will fall into a deep snare..where I never intended you to be.
I will nourish you by the brook, as I nourished Elijah, and I will speak to you out of the bush, as I spoke to Moses. I will reveal My glory to you on the hillside, as I did to the shepherds.
Come away, My beloved.
Frances J. Roberts
And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening and he drank of the brook...
I Kings 17:6 "And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening and he drank of the brook"
This is the story of the Old Testament prophet, Elijah, after he had just confronted the king..who worshiped Baal, and believed that Baal was a god who brought rains and bountiful harvest. Elijah told him that there would be no rain in the land for several years. Now the Lord had spoken to Elijah to hide himself by a brook called Cherith by the Jordan. There, God had commanded the ravens to bring Elijah food morning and evening..and he was able to drink water from the brook. God's provisions are so amazing to me. In a nation that was required by law to care for it's prophets, it is interesting that God used ravens (unclean birds) to care for Elijah...but God has help when and where we least expect it sometimes. He provides for us in ways that go beyond our narrow way of thinking.
Elijah did as God instructed and dwelt by the brook Cherith..and the ravens daily brought him food..bread and meat..every morning and every evening..and he drank from the brook. But it happened that eventually the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land. When that happened, the Lord spoke to Elijah to arise, and to leave that place. God had something else in mind for Elijah..a new plan..and He sent him to a widow woman who cared for him.
I have often thought when I've heard this story..what if Elijah hadn't obeyed God? What if when God told him to move, he had stayed? Having sat next to a dry brook or two in my own life, I know how difficult change can be. Most change isn't even a bad thing. It's just that so often we become accustomed to our life the way it is, and to shake things up is just not in our plan. Some of the most difficult times in my life have been just moving from one house to another, or changing jobs, meeting new people, starting a new church..and yet those have also been some of the most rewarding things.
Whenever Ray and I go to the Boys Ranch, we always try to convey to these young men that God has a purpose and a plan for their lives. His plans are not always unfolded in such a way that you know every step that lies at times, we truly don't know what the next step is..but His purpose for you beloved, is so much greater than you could have ever imagined. When Elijah was sitting by that brook, being fed by the ravens, I doubt if he could have imagined that God would use him to provide food for a widow woman and her son..or that he would have the faith to pray for that very son after he had died, and God would bring him back to life. Most of the time, because we cannot see what lies ahead, we would rather stay in our comfort zones.
My word of encouragement for you today is simply there something that God is calling you to? Is there an area in your life that has simply "dried up" and God is speaking to your heart that it's time to move on? Is there something that used to hold so much joy for you..that now has simply become what is expected of you? Change can be a scary thing..but I promise that as you begin to pray and ask for God's leading, He will do exactly that. He may lead you into a new area of ministry. He may simply give you a better way of doing what you're currently doing. He may actually have a move in mind for you. Whatever it is, do not fear. Your God is with you..and He will not leave you or forsake you. Ask Him to begin to prepare your heart for whatever He has for you..and remember Psalm 16 "Thou wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore".
This is the story of the Old Testament prophet, Elijah, after he had just confronted the king..who worshiped Baal, and believed that Baal was a god who brought rains and bountiful harvest. Elijah told him that there would be no rain in the land for several years. Now the Lord had spoken to Elijah to hide himself by a brook called Cherith by the Jordan. There, God had commanded the ravens to bring Elijah food morning and evening..and he was able to drink water from the brook. God's provisions are so amazing to me. In a nation that was required by law to care for it's prophets, it is interesting that God used ravens (unclean birds) to care for Elijah...but God has help when and where we least expect it sometimes. He provides for us in ways that go beyond our narrow way of thinking.
Elijah did as God instructed and dwelt by the brook Cherith..and the ravens daily brought him food..bread and meat..every morning and every evening..and he drank from the brook. But it happened that eventually the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land. When that happened, the Lord spoke to Elijah to arise, and to leave that place. God had something else in mind for Elijah..a new plan..and He sent him to a widow woman who cared for him.
I have often thought when I've heard this story..what if Elijah hadn't obeyed God? What if when God told him to move, he had stayed? Having sat next to a dry brook or two in my own life, I know how difficult change can be. Most change isn't even a bad thing. It's just that so often we become accustomed to our life the way it is, and to shake things up is just not in our plan. Some of the most difficult times in my life have been just moving from one house to another, or changing jobs, meeting new people, starting a new church..and yet those have also been some of the most rewarding things.
Whenever Ray and I go to the Boys Ranch, we always try to convey to these young men that God has a purpose and a plan for their lives. His plans are not always unfolded in such a way that you know every step that lies at times, we truly don't know what the next step is..but His purpose for you beloved, is so much greater than you could have ever imagined. When Elijah was sitting by that brook, being fed by the ravens, I doubt if he could have imagined that God would use him to provide food for a widow woman and her son..or that he would have the faith to pray for that very son after he had died, and God would bring him back to life. Most of the time, because we cannot see what lies ahead, we would rather stay in our comfort zones.
My word of encouragement for you today is simply there something that God is calling you to? Is there an area in your life that has simply "dried up" and God is speaking to your heart that it's time to move on? Is there something that used to hold so much joy for you..that now has simply become what is expected of you? Change can be a scary thing..but I promise that as you begin to pray and ask for God's leading, He will do exactly that. He may lead you into a new area of ministry. He may simply give you a better way of doing what you're currently doing. He may actually have a move in mind for you. Whatever it is, do not fear. Your God is with you..and He will not leave you or forsake you. Ask Him to begin to prepare your heart for whatever He has for you..and remember Psalm 16 "Thou wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore".
All that I have is yours...
Luke 15:31 "And he said to him, 'Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours' "
When we are faith filled, we have to know and believe that our God is good, and that He is our Protector and Provider. Simply put, we trust Him. Remember the parable of the prodigal son..Jesus shared it to illustrate how good our heavenly Father is. The wayward son had squandered his father's inheritance before he ran out of money and decided to go ask his father to make him a hired servant.
Before he could reach home, his father saw him from far off, and he ran toward him and embraced him. Instead of making him a hired servant, the father told his servants to bring out the best robe, ring and sandals for his son..and he instructed that they would kill the fatted calf and celebrate!
When the older son returned home, he heard about this celebration and became upset, even refusing to enter the house. When his father asked him what was wrong, he complained that he had served his dad all these years, and had never received a celebration such as this..
Notice what his father told him.."Son, you are always with me and all that I have is yours. We should celebrate because your brother was dead, but is alive again now. He was lost but is found" Can you see how the brother perceived his father? It seems he saw him as a hard man..a stingy man..He believed that he had to work to get something good from his father. He didn't realize that he already had an inheritance! He could have killed the fatted calf at any time for a celebration!
Like the father in the parable, God has already given us an inheritance in Christ. Don't fail to enjoy it by doubting God's goodness or by believing that you must be good enough to receive it. See your Father's heart of love and goodness toward you, and celebrate your inheritance today!
When we are faith filled, we have to know and believe that our God is good, and that He is our Protector and Provider. Simply put, we trust Him. Remember the parable of the prodigal son..Jesus shared it to illustrate how good our heavenly Father is. The wayward son had squandered his father's inheritance before he ran out of money and decided to go ask his father to make him a hired servant.
Before he could reach home, his father saw him from far off, and he ran toward him and embraced him. Instead of making him a hired servant, the father told his servants to bring out the best robe, ring and sandals for his son..and he instructed that they would kill the fatted calf and celebrate!
When the older son returned home, he heard about this celebration and became upset, even refusing to enter the house. When his father asked him what was wrong, he complained that he had served his dad all these years, and had never received a celebration such as this..
Notice what his father told him.."Son, you are always with me and all that I have is yours. We should celebrate because your brother was dead, but is alive again now. He was lost but is found" Can you see how the brother perceived his father? It seems he saw him as a hard man..a stingy man..He believed that he had to work to get something good from his father. He didn't realize that he already had an inheritance! He could have killed the fatted calf at any time for a celebration!
Like the father in the parable, God has already given us an inheritance in Christ. Don't fail to enjoy it by doubting God's goodness or by believing that you must be good enough to receive it. See your Father's heart of love and goodness toward you, and celebrate your inheritance today!
Be ye transformed...
Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God"
I have thought a lot recently about how so often in my life, I have wanted to change my actions in some area..just in general..I want to love people more..I don't want to be judgemental or critical. I want to have a sweet spirit. I want to stand firmly on what I believe, and never leave room for any type of doubt. I want to be free from anger, or any type of gossip or lying. I don't want to behave badly in any way. I want people to see Jesus in me. I want to be a light for Him. Beloved, if this is your hearts cry as well, here is my thought...most of what comes out of our mouth begins in our heart. If we want any type of bad behavior to stop, we need to change our thinking.
The principle of God's Word is simple..right action follows right thinking. We walk in victory when we understand this and put this into practice. Our behavior begins to change as our thinking changes. Our thinking changes as our relationship with Christ deepens.
Many people struggle over trying to do the right thing. Someone I know very well, who loves the Lord, had a problem with gossip...not that her words were always evil..she had explained that she simply feels compelled to be the first person to know what is going on..and then the first person to pass on the information as quickly as possible...but going deeper than this..this friend has begun to realize that the REASON for her actions are actually a deeper sense of how she has seen herself..she has begun to see that most of her life, she has felt insignificant and unimportant. When she is the first to pass along information, it makes her feel good, and important..for at least a short time.
This friend has begun to shift her thinking and learn to see herself through the eyes of Jesus. He sees her worth, and she is beginning to see it as well. He loves her and she is beginning to grasp that love in her her thoughts about herself have begun to change, so have her actions.
In Ephesians 4, from the Amplified, Paul said, "Strip yourselves of your former nature which characterized your previous manner of life, and becomes corrupt through lusts and desires that spring from delusion..And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind (having a fresh mental attitude), and put on the new nature (the regenerated self) created in God's image (Godlike) in true righteousness and holiness."
In other words, let the Holy Spirit begin to change your way of thinking..your way of seeing yourself..your way of seeing others. Let Him make you into a new person..step by step. This is the way to permanent change in your life.
In my own life, the biggest battles have always taken place in my my the way I see things..but as my mind is being renewed, my life is changing and definitely for the better. My prayer for each of us today is that we would press in deep to the things of God, and that step by step, as we begin to see the truths that are in Him..we would be changed. May we each be stripped of the old man..the old ways of that He can work in us to become more like Christ each and every day.
I have thought a lot recently about how so often in my life, I have wanted to change my actions in some area..just in general..I want to love people more..I don't want to be judgemental or critical. I want to have a sweet spirit. I want to stand firmly on what I believe, and never leave room for any type of doubt. I want to be free from anger, or any type of gossip or lying. I don't want to behave badly in any way. I want people to see Jesus in me. I want to be a light for Him. Beloved, if this is your hearts cry as well, here is my thought...most of what comes out of our mouth begins in our heart. If we want any type of bad behavior to stop, we need to change our thinking.
The principle of God's Word is simple..right action follows right thinking. We walk in victory when we understand this and put this into practice. Our behavior begins to change as our thinking changes. Our thinking changes as our relationship with Christ deepens.
Many people struggle over trying to do the right thing. Someone I know very well, who loves the Lord, had a problem with gossip...not that her words were always evil..she had explained that she simply feels compelled to be the first person to know what is going on..and then the first person to pass on the information as quickly as possible...but going deeper than this..this friend has begun to realize that the REASON for her actions are actually a deeper sense of how she has seen herself..she has begun to see that most of her life, she has felt insignificant and unimportant. When she is the first to pass along information, it makes her feel good, and important..for at least a short time.
This friend has begun to shift her thinking and learn to see herself through the eyes of Jesus. He sees her worth, and she is beginning to see it as well. He loves her and she is beginning to grasp that love in her her thoughts about herself have begun to change, so have her actions.
In Ephesians 4, from the Amplified, Paul said, "Strip yourselves of your former nature which characterized your previous manner of life, and becomes corrupt through lusts and desires that spring from delusion..And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind (having a fresh mental attitude), and put on the new nature (the regenerated self) created in God's image (Godlike) in true righteousness and holiness."
In other words, let the Holy Spirit begin to change your way of thinking..your way of seeing yourself..your way of seeing others. Let Him make you into a new person..step by step. This is the way to permanent change in your life.
In my own life, the biggest battles have always taken place in my my the way I see things..but as my mind is being renewed, my life is changing and definitely for the better. My prayer for each of us today is that we would press in deep to the things of God, and that step by step, as we begin to see the truths that are in Him..we would be changed. May we each be stripped of the old man..the old ways of that He can work in us to become more like Christ each and every day.
Judge Not
Matthew 7:1-2 "Do not judge, criticize and condemn others, so that you may not be judged and criticized and condemned yourselves. For just as you judge and criticize and condemn others, you will be judged and criticized and condemned, and in accordance with the measure you deal out to others, it will be dealt out again to you"
I truly believe that the finger pointing that many of us do at someone in judgement is often a cover up. We want to mask our own weaknesses. We don't want people to see the flaws in our own lives. It just seems easier to point the finger somewhere else. I've heard it said, "Judge others before they have a chance to judge you". I knew a man once who constantly was critical of everyone around him. He would say terrible things about people..even calling them names behind their backs..This man was an alcoholic, and I often wondered if he criticized others in an effort to keep people from commenting on his drinking problem, which was obvious to everyone around him.
I spent a lot of time for a season in my life, with some extremely critical people. Judgement was a part of every conversation. I fell into the trap of thinking that I was actually "helping" the people I judged somehow..and I, along with a group of others, became an "expert" at knowing the flaws of everyone around me..knowing how each person should live..knowing what mistakes they were making and how they should fix them. The devil loves to keep us busy, judging the faults of others. Never mind looking in the mirror!
When I look back at that time, I'm nearly sickened by it..because truly I was doing the devil's work and didn't even know it. If anyone would have told me that I was a critical or judgemental person, I would have been shocked and denied it. I would have stood my ground and remained firm that I was only trying to "help" someone, often under the guise of prayer. Can you imagine dragging God into this? I wasn't aware of my negative attitude. I simply thought I was giving my opinion. I wasn't aware either that who we surround ourselves with is so incredibly important. When we are with friends who breathe life into us, who truly love Jesus, and others, we will begin to take on those characteristics ourselves..and the same goes the other way. When we are surrounded by critical people, we will begin to take on those characteristics as well.
Somehow in recent years, the Lord has helped me to look in the mirror..I'm not talking about the mirror that hangs on your bathroom wall, that you see yourself in..I'm talking about the mirror of God's word. He has begun to help me to see others as He sees see that He knows each of us so well, that He sees past our pain, and into the deep places in our hearts that often motivate our actions. He has gently shown me that there is a better way than the negative attitude that I have carried with me for such a long time. He has shown me that I can't change people..but He can! And He can use me in that endeavor, by simply loving on someone, and genuinely praying.
It has taken me a while, but I have begun to learn that when the devil brings those harsh and unkind thoughts to my mind, we can use the Word of God to chase them away. There may be no better verse to repeat than Philippians 4:8 "Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things". In other words, fix your mind on the good!
When we are judging others, we are usually most miserable ourselves. I wanted to be able to say that what others did or how they looked..was none of my business..but it has taken a while to replace the negative thoughts with all the good things that I truly do have to think about.
Beloved, we are God's people..and we represent Him. We are part of His family..and He wants us to love and protect our family members, which I promise will bring about any change that is truly needed..rather than judging or gossiping. If this is an area of struggle for you, I want to reassure you today, that with His help, and through His word, you can be an overcomer!
I truly believe that the finger pointing that many of us do at someone in judgement is often a cover up. We want to mask our own weaknesses. We don't want people to see the flaws in our own lives. It just seems easier to point the finger somewhere else. I've heard it said, "Judge others before they have a chance to judge you". I knew a man once who constantly was critical of everyone around him. He would say terrible things about people..even calling them names behind their backs..This man was an alcoholic, and I often wondered if he criticized others in an effort to keep people from commenting on his drinking problem, which was obvious to everyone around him.
I spent a lot of time for a season in my life, with some extremely critical people. Judgement was a part of every conversation. I fell into the trap of thinking that I was actually "helping" the people I judged somehow..and I, along with a group of others, became an "expert" at knowing the flaws of everyone around me..knowing how each person should live..knowing what mistakes they were making and how they should fix them. The devil loves to keep us busy, judging the faults of others. Never mind looking in the mirror!
When I look back at that time, I'm nearly sickened by it..because truly I was doing the devil's work and didn't even know it. If anyone would have told me that I was a critical or judgemental person, I would have been shocked and denied it. I would have stood my ground and remained firm that I was only trying to "help" someone, often under the guise of prayer. Can you imagine dragging God into this? I wasn't aware of my negative attitude. I simply thought I was giving my opinion. I wasn't aware either that who we surround ourselves with is so incredibly important. When we are with friends who breathe life into us, who truly love Jesus, and others, we will begin to take on those characteristics ourselves..and the same goes the other way. When we are surrounded by critical people, we will begin to take on those characteristics as well.
Somehow in recent years, the Lord has helped me to look in the mirror..I'm not talking about the mirror that hangs on your bathroom wall, that you see yourself in..I'm talking about the mirror of God's word. He has begun to help me to see others as He sees see that He knows each of us so well, that He sees past our pain, and into the deep places in our hearts that often motivate our actions. He has gently shown me that there is a better way than the negative attitude that I have carried with me for such a long time. He has shown me that I can't change people..but He can! And He can use me in that endeavor, by simply loving on someone, and genuinely praying.
It has taken me a while, but I have begun to learn that when the devil brings those harsh and unkind thoughts to my mind, we can use the Word of God to chase them away. There may be no better verse to repeat than Philippians 4:8 "Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things". In other words, fix your mind on the good!
When we are judging others, we are usually most miserable ourselves. I wanted to be able to say that what others did or how they looked..was none of my business..but it has taken a while to replace the negative thoughts with all the good things that I truly do have to think about.
Beloved, we are God's people..and we represent Him. We are part of His family..and He wants us to love and protect our family members, which I promise will bring about any change that is truly needed..rather than judging or gossiping. If this is an area of struggle for you, I want to reassure you today, that with His help, and through His word, you can be an overcomer!
Partakers of His promise
Ephesians 3:6 "That the gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ by the gospel"
Another absolutely incredible verse! Speaking as a gentile..I am very thankful for this promise. Because of what Christ did on the cross..we have been grafted in, and have become part of the same body of believers as the jews in the Old Testament..we are not only fellowheirs..but joint heirs with Jesus! We are partakers of the promises of Christ.
Paul spoke a couple of verses later in this passage about how he felt himself to be the least of all saints..and yet God was using him, and had made him a preacher to the encourage, strengthen, and to teach the unsearchable riches of Whom we have boldness and may access with CONFIDENCE because of our faith in Him.
Today, if you are feeling a bit like Paul..wondering what or even why God would ever see any good in He could ever use your life..remember that He sees past whatever pain you may be experiencing. He sees past whatever deeds you may have done. He sees past your emotions. He sees your heart...and according to the gift of grace given by also may experience the unsearchable riches of Christ. He has a purpose and a plan for YOU! YOU are a partaker in the wonderful promises of God..and a joint heir in His kingdom. Praise His HOLY Name!!
Another absolutely incredible verse! Speaking as a gentile..I am very thankful for this promise. Because of what Christ did on the cross..we have been grafted in, and have become part of the same body of believers as the jews in the Old Testament..we are not only fellowheirs..but joint heirs with Jesus! We are partakers of the promises of Christ.
Paul spoke a couple of verses later in this passage about how he felt himself to be the least of all saints..and yet God was using him, and had made him a preacher to the encourage, strengthen, and to teach the unsearchable riches of Whom we have boldness and may access with CONFIDENCE because of our faith in Him.
Today, if you are feeling a bit like Paul..wondering what or even why God would ever see any good in He could ever use your life..remember that He sees past whatever pain you may be experiencing. He sees past whatever deeds you may have done. He sees past your emotions. He sees your heart...and according to the gift of grace given by also may experience the unsearchable riches of Christ. He has a purpose and a plan for YOU! YOU are a partaker in the wonderful promises of God..and a joint heir in His kingdom. Praise His HOLY Name!!
1 Corinthians 1:27 "But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty"
Precious Heavenly Father
Why have you chosen the weak, the foolish, the despised? You have
done this so that no human being can boast. Help us Lord! We cast
our lives at your feet. You alone are worthy!
You are the source of our lives in Christ Jesus, whom you made to
be everything to us. He is our wisdom and our righteousness. He is
our sanctification and our redemption.Therefore, as it is written,
"Let him who boasts, boast of theLord" - and we do!
In the name of Jesus, by his wisdom and authority, I ask thesethings. Amen.
Precious Heavenly Father
Why have you chosen the weak, the foolish, the despised? You have
done this so that no human being can boast. Help us Lord! We cast
our lives at your feet. You alone are worthy!
You are the source of our lives in Christ Jesus, whom you made to
be everything to us. He is our wisdom and our righteousness. He is
our sanctification and our redemption.Therefore, as it is written,
"Let him who boasts, boast of theLord" - and we do!
In the name of Jesus, by his wisdom and authority, I ask thesethings. Amen.
She obtained favor in his sight
Esther 5:2 "And it was so that when the king saw Esther the queen standing in the court, that she obtained favor in his sight; and the king held out to Esther the golden sceptre that was in his hand. So Esther drew near, and touched the top of the sceptre"
There isn't a story anywhere is scripture that stirs my spirit more than the story of Esther. If I were going to choose a woman from the Bible to pattern my life after, it would be her. I admire her courage, her wisdom, her timing, her discernment, and her strength. Often in my own life, I have wrestled with a sense of weakness and fear..and the pervading thoughts that I simply "can't handle this"..whatever THIS is!
I can only share with all of you what God has been teaching me..and lately, He has been teaching me so much. Our wonderful Lord is no respector of persons. All through the scriptures, we see the hand of God leading His people, guarding them, strengthening them..and beloved, it is no different today.
Today, I want you to do something. This is not for's for you. I am asking all of you to spend some time today reminding yourself of Who Christ is to you..this wonderful King of kings and Lord of lords..I want you to spend some time strengthening your spirit. We all seem to find time to strengthen our bodies with the right foods and exercise. Today, I want you to strengthen your Spirit. I have done this the last few days by getting into the scriptures and reminding myself of some things...
The Lord IS my strength. He is my rock and my fortress. He is my deliverer, my God. He IS my strength when I am weak. He IS the One in Whom I trust. He is my shield, my Salvation, my High Tower that I can run into. When I call upon His name, He hears me. He saves me from my enemies. He has drawn me out of many waters that could have drowned me. He has delivered me from those who have hated me and from those who were too strong for me. He IS my stay. He is what I stand on. All other ground is sinking sand. He is my deliverer. He is merciful and will enlighten my darkness when I am surrounded. By Him, I can run through a troop and leap over a wall. His ways are perfect. He makes my feet like hinds feet, and sets me upon high places. He has given me the shield of salvation, and his right hand holds me up. His gentleness has made me great. He has made my feet not to slip. He has delivered me from the strivings of people. He is my rock and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life. Though a host should camp against me, I will be confident in My God. He encamps around them that fear Him. They who seek Him will not lack any good thing. He is near to those who have a broken heart. While we were yet sinners, He died for us. We have been justified by His blood. He is the God of peace that passes all understanding. He will keep my heart and my mind through Jesus Christ.
I could go on and on..but today I ask you to search the scriptures and find a word that is just for you..something that is just a simple reminder to you of how much you mean to God, and how deep His love is for you. Like the king in the book of Esther, the King of Kings.. holds out His hand and His sceptre to you today. He simply says, "Come to Me". Today, will you simply touch the top of His sceptre? He accepts you. He loves you...and you have His favor.
There isn't a story anywhere is scripture that stirs my spirit more than the story of Esther. If I were going to choose a woman from the Bible to pattern my life after, it would be her. I admire her courage, her wisdom, her timing, her discernment, and her strength. Often in my own life, I have wrestled with a sense of weakness and fear..and the pervading thoughts that I simply "can't handle this"..whatever THIS is!
I can only share with all of you what God has been teaching me..and lately, He has been teaching me so much. Our wonderful Lord is no respector of persons. All through the scriptures, we see the hand of God leading His people, guarding them, strengthening them..and beloved, it is no different today.
Today, I want you to do something. This is not for's for you. I am asking all of you to spend some time today reminding yourself of Who Christ is to you..this wonderful King of kings and Lord of lords..I want you to spend some time strengthening your spirit. We all seem to find time to strengthen our bodies with the right foods and exercise. Today, I want you to strengthen your Spirit. I have done this the last few days by getting into the scriptures and reminding myself of some things...
The Lord IS my strength. He is my rock and my fortress. He is my deliverer, my God. He IS my strength when I am weak. He IS the One in Whom I trust. He is my shield, my Salvation, my High Tower that I can run into. When I call upon His name, He hears me. He saves me from my enemies. He has drawn me out of many waters that could have drowned me. He has delivered me from those who have hated me and from those who were too strong for me. He IS my stay. He is what I stand on. All other ground is sinking sand. He is my deliverer. He is merciful and will enlighten my darkness when I am surrounded. By Him, I can run through a troop and leap over a wall. His ways are perfect. He makes my feet like hinds feet, and sets me upon high places. He has given me the shield of salvation, and his right hand holds me up. His gentleness has made me great. He has made my feet not to slip. He has delivered me from the strivings of people. He is my rock and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life. Though a host should camp against me, I will be confident in My God. He encamps around them that fear Him. They who seek Him will not lack any good thing. He is near to those who have a broken heart. While we were yet sinners, He died for us. We have been justified by His blood. He is the God of peace that passes all understanding. He will keep my heart and my mind through Jesus Christ.
I could go on and on..but today I ask you to search the scriptures and find a word that is just for you..something that is just a simple reminder to you of how much you mean to God, and how deep His love is for you. Like the king in the book of Esther, the King of Kings.. holds out His hand and His sceptre to you today. He simply says, "Come to Me". Today, will you simply touch the top of His sceptre? He accepts you. He loves you...and you have His favor.
Righteousness will go before Him, and shall make His footsteps our pathway
Psalm 85:13 "Righteousness will go before Him, and shall make His footsteps our pathway"
I am in the midst of you, My children. You have heard My voice because My sheep hear my voice..know that I have been ministering to you. You have not followed the voice of a stranger nor sought out strange paths. For this reason, have I set My love upon you. I have put My arm around you, and with My wings have I sheltered you. You are the object of My affection, and I care greatly for you.
I have given you of My best. I have drawn you into My banquet hall because you hungered and thirsted after the things of God. Because you have longed for righteousness and true holiness, I sought you out to instruct you and teach you in My laws and in My ways. I will indeed bring you to a higher realm of experience and revelation because there is a quest in your soul after Truth.
The Word is truly near you, even in your heart. Listen to the voice of My Spirit within. It will never fail. It will never be silent. It will never mock your cry. Your hours spent with Me will be rich and My light will guide you always.
It is no futile path in which I am leading you. It will be laden with blessings and filled with surprises. Never be hesitant to follow. I charge you to keep pace with Me. I will not gauge My steps too wide for you to follow. I will measure them to your ability. Follow Me closely child..and you will never be lost.
Frances J. Roberts
I am in the midst of you, My children. You have heard My voice because My sheep hear my voice..know that I have been ministering to you. You have not followed the voice of a stranger nor sought out strange paths. For this reason, have I set My love upon you. I have put My arm around you, and with My wings have I sheltered you. You are the object of My affection, and I care greatly for you.
I have given you of My best. I have drawn you into My banquet hall because you hungered and thirsted after the things of God. Because you have longed for righteousness and true holiness, I sought you out to instruct you and teach you in My laws and in My ways. I will indeed bring you to a higher realm of experience and revelation because there is a quest in your soul after Truth.
The Word is truly near you, even in your heart. Listen to the voice of My Spirit within. It will never fail. It will never be silent. It will never mock your cry. Your hours spent with Me will be rich and My light will guide you always.
It is no futile path in which I am leading you. It will be laden with blessings and filled with surprises. Never be hesitant to follow. I charge you to keep pace with Me. I will not gauge My steps too wide for you to follow. I will measure them to your ability. Follow Me closely child..and you will never be lost.
Frances J. Roberts
1 Corinthians 1:18 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God"
Dear Father:
Thank you that You are the author of all true wisdom.Thank you that you do not send your emissaries out as mererecruiters. They are not just to baptize but to preach the GoodNews about Jesus, that he doesn't just want us to "join his club"but he wants us to be like him, yes, to be him, to be his body, inthe world.Thank you for not appealing to us with elegant ideas or eloquentspeech, lest the message of the cross be emptied of its power. Forwhile this word of the cross is utter folly to those who areperishing, to us who are being saved by it, it is your power.Grant me the courage and strength to trust you when worldly wisdomsounds convincing.In the name of the one who empowers me to live according to hisrighteousness, Jesus Christ..Amen
Author Unknown
1 Corinthians 1:18 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God"
Dear Father:
Thank you that You are the author of all true wisdom.Thank you that you do not send your emissaries out as mererecruiters. They are not just to baptize but to preach the GoodNews about Jesus, that he doesn't just want us to "join his club"but he wants us to be like him, yes, to be him, to be his body, inthe world.Thank you for not appealing to us with elegant ideas or eloquentspeech, lest the message of the cross be emptied of its power. Forwhile this word of the cross is utter folly to those who areperishing, to us who are being saved by it, it is your power.Grant me the courage and strength to trust you when worldly wisdomsounds convincing.In the name of the one who empowers me to live according to hisrighteousness, Jesus Christ..Amen
Author Unknown
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need
Hebrews 4:16 " Let us threfore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need"
God's love and His forgiveness seem to go hand in do His love and grace. When you accept Him into your life and heart, His love, mercy, and grace come also. You begin to notice that He is at the control of your life..not you. He is responsible for the fashioning of your life. As He leads you from person to person..and task to have an abiding sense that you are fulfilling His purpose for your life. That is the greatest feeling of fulfillment that one could ever know.
We can come to Him at any time..boldly. His is a throne of grace. When we are in need, He is very willing that we should come to Him, and sit on His lap, so to pour out our hearts to the One who will be merciful, and who will sustain us in time of need. There is nothing greater than knowing Him. There is nothing on this earth that draws us..only the love of the Father.
Such is a life of great meaning and purpose.
God's love and His forgiveness seem to go hand in do His love and grace. When you accept Him into your life and heart, His love, mercy, and grace come also. You begin to notice that He is at the control of your life..not you. He is responsible for the fashioning of your life. As He leads you from person to person..and task to have an abiding sense that you are fulfilling His purpose for your life. That is the greatest feeling of fulfillment that one could ever know.
We can come to Him at any time..boldly. His is a throne of grace. When we are in need, He is very willing that we should come to Him, and sit on His lap, so to pour out our hearts to the One who will be merciful, and who will sustain us in time of need. There is nothing greater than knowing Him. There is nothing on this earth that draws us..only the love of the Father.
Such is a life of great meaning and purpose.
That there be no divisions among you
1 Corinthians 1:10-13 "Now I beseech you brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgement. For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house Chloe, that there are contentions among you."
After Paul founded the church in Corinth, the people there began arguing and divisions arose. Some of the people even began to slip back into the immoral lifestyle that had been prevalent in that city. Paul wrote this to the "brethren" all believers, male and female. Because we are all part of God's family we share a unity that runs deeper than even that of blood brothers or sisters. We share Christ.
May each of us be aware daily of what we speak. May we be concerned about those around us, and may we understand that our words can cause division. May we know that what we speak, is so important. We can literally speak life into someones life, causing them to soar for God..or we can speak words of death..causing someone to become discouraged, and maybe even cause division among the brethren.
Dear Father,
Help me never to be part of any division within the body of Christ.
Keep me from misplacing my loyalties with this man or that!
Christ, of whom I am part, is not divided. He is of one mind. Let us as believers be
like-minded, having the same love, one in spirit and purpose.
Help us do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility help us count each other better than ourselves.
Let us look out for the interests of each other, not just our own.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
After Paul founded the church in Corinth, the people there began arguing and divisions arose. Some of the people even began to slip back into the immoral lifestyle that had been prevalent in that city. Paul wrote this to the "brethren" all believers, male and female. Because we are all part of God's family we share a unity that runs deeper than even that of blood brothers or sisters. We share Christ.
May each of us be aware daily of what we speak. May we be concerned about those around us, and may we understand that our words can cause division. May we know that what we speak, is so important. We can literally speak life into someones life, causing them to soar for God..or we can speak words of death..causing someone to become discouraged, and maybe even cause division among the brethren.
Dear Father,
Help me never to be part of any division within the body of Christ.
Keep me from misplacing my loyalties with this man or that!
Christ, of whom I am part, is not divided. He is of one mind. Let us as believers be
like-minded, having the same love, one in spirit and purpose.
Help us do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility help us count each other better than ourselves.
Let us look out for the interests of each other, not just our own.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
1 Corinthians 1:4-9 "I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ: that in every thing ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge; even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you; so that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord."
Dear Father, my faithful God,
Thank you now and forevermore for the grace
which you gave inChrist Jesus. In every way you have
enriched me in all speech and all knowledge -
even as the testimony of Christ has
been confirmed before my eyes -
so that I am not lacking in any spiritual gift, as
I, along with all my brethren,
wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You are my faithful God. It is you who have called me into
fellowship with your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
I have confidence that you will sustain me to the very end and
present me guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I put my trust wholly in you, my holy God, for you are wholly
In the name of Jesus, who was faithful to you and is alwaysfaithful to me.
Author Unknown
Dear Father, my faithful God,
Thank you now and forevermore for the grace
which you gave inChrist Jesus. In every way you have
enriched me in all speech and all knowledge -
even as the testimony of Christ has
been confirmed before my eyes -
so that I am not lacking in any spiritual gift, as
I, along with all my brethren,
wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You are my faithful God. It is you who have called me into
fellowship with your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
I have confidence that you will sustain me to the very end and
present me guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I put my trust wholly in you, my holy God, for you are wholly
In the name of Jesus, who was faithful to you and is alwaysfaithful to me.
Author Unknown
For You will light my lamp; The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness
Psalm 18:28 "For You will light my lamp; The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness"
O My children, obey My words. Do not wander in unbelief and darkness, but let the Scripture shine as a light upon your path. My Word shall be life to you, for My commandments are given for your health and preservation. They will guard you from folly and guide you away from danger.
Hide My commandments in your heart, and make them the law of your life. Cherish My words, and take not lightly the least of them. I have not given them to bind you, but to bring you into the life of greatest joy and truest liberty.
I have asked you to pray so that I may respond and help you. I have asked you to rejoice, in order to keep you from being swallowed up by anxieties. I have asked you to be humble, to protect you from the calamaties that fall upon the proud. I have asked you to forgive, in order to make your heart ready to receive My forgiveness. I have asked you not to love the world, for I would have you released from unnecessary entanglements, free to follow Me.
Sanctification is accomplished in no one by accident. Learn of Me and put My ways into practice consistently..thereby seeing the progress of growth in your soul. Holiness is not a is the end product of obedience. Purity is not a is the result of repentance and serious pursuit of God.
Frances Roberts
O My children, obey My words. Do not wander in unbelief and darkness, but let the Scripture shine as a light upon your path. My Word shall be life to you, for My commandments are given for your health and preservation. They will guard you from folly and guide you away from danger.
Hide My commandments in your heart, and make them the law of your life. Cherish My words, and take not lightly the least of them. I have not given them to bind you, but to bring you into the life of greatest joy and truest liberty.
I have asked you to pray so that I may respond and help you. I have asked you to rejoice, in order to keep you from being swallowed up by anxieties. I have asked you to be humble, to protect you from the calamaties that fall upon the proud. I have asked you to forgive, in order to make your heart ready to receive My forgiveness. I have asked you not to love the world, for I would have you released from unnecessary entanglements, free to follow Me.
Sanctification is accomplished in no one by accident. Learn of Me and put My ways into practice consistently..thereby seeing the progress of growth in your soul. Holiness is not a is the end product of obedience. Purity is not a is the result of repentance and serious pursuit of God.
Frances Roberts
"I am making all things new"
Revelation 21:5 "He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making all things new"
ALL things. Not just some things...everything!
Everything about your life can and will be renewed. God begins with the renovation of your heart and works outward, touching every aspect of your life.
He will make you brand new.
He will replenish all your relationships.
He will cast your circumstances in a new light.
He will renew your energy to ensure you have enough courage and endurance.
He will reinvogorate your faith.
He will give you clear eyes to see His majesty in everything and everyone.
He will give you fresh understanding and an awakening of appreciation.
A small smile will spread into a full blown grin as you watch Him work in your life. He fits it all together one puzzle piece at a time, giving you a whole new picture.
K Armstrong
ALL things. Not just some things...everything!
Everything about your life can and will be renewed. God begins with the renovation of your heart and works outward, touching every aspect of your life.
He will make you brand new.
He will replenish all your relationships.
He will cast your circumstances in a new light.
He will renew your energy to ensure you have enough courage and endurance.
He will reinvogorate your faith.
He will give you clear eyes to see His majesty in everything and everyone.
He will give you fresh understanding and an awakening of appreciation.
A small smile will spread into a full blown grin as you watch Him work in your life. He fits it all together one puzzle piece at a time, giving you a whole new picture.
K Armstrong
For what if some did not believe?
Romans 3:3 "For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?"
I suspect that nearly all of the sorrow in my life can be traced to simple unbelief. If I truly believe that the past is totally forgiven, the present is supplied with the presence and power of Christ, and the future is bright with hope, filled with the promise that one day my faith will become my sight, how could I be anything but completely happy?
Yes, the future is bright because of God's faithfulness. His abiding truth does not change with my mood..and He never waivers when I stumble or fall. His faithfulness stands firm and prominent as the mountain peaks.
Unbelief continually asks the questions..How? Why? When? Is it possible? Yet faith's answer to all of the questions we could conjure up in our minds, has one simple answer..God! I truly believe that if even one believer, full of faith, rises up, and begins to stand on that faith, the history of the world would be changed.
Will you be that one? Prayer with faith brings the omnipotence of God to the support of our petitions.
(From Streams in the Desert)
I suspect that nearly all of the sorrow in my life can be traced to simple unbelief. If I truly believe that the past is totally forgiven, the present is supplied with the presence and power of Christ, and the future is bright with hope, filled with the promise that one day my faith will become my sight, how could I be anything but completely happy?
Yes, the future is bright because of God's faithfulness. His abiding truth does not change with my mood..and He never waivers when I stumble or fall. His faithfulness stands firm and prominent as the mountain peaks.
Unbelief continually asks the questions..How? Why? When? Is it possible? Yet faith's answer to all of the questions we could conjure up in our minds, has one simple answer..God! I truly believe that if even one believer, full of faith, rises up, and begins to stand on that faith, the history of the world would be changed.
Will you be that one? Prayer with faith brings the omnipotence of God to the support of our petitions.
(From Streams in the Desert)
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path
The following are the words that hang on a plaque right by my mother in law's computer. I thought you might all enjoy this today.
"God said...Don't look to the bigness of your need. Look to the bigness of your God!
Your circumstances are the hindrances to seeing My abilities...
If you keep your eyes on your circumstances, the devil might use
those circumstances to defeat you..
but your victory is in keeping your eyes on the bigness of your God
and in His love and abilitiy. He has promised to take you
step by step by step...not all at once.
But step by step...and each step will be a miracle!"
Psalm ll9:105 "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path"
We recently heard a woman share her testimony about a time of terrible sickness. She had vertigo and ringing in her ears that got to the point of being completely debilitating. She couldn't function at all for a long period of time. She and her husband prayed, but her symptoms only seemed to get worse. She didn't give up, believing that God wanted to bring her through this very difficult situation. She didn't know if He would heal her..only that she sensed His presence and she knew that whatever she faced, she would not walk the path alone. She began to really lean into God with all she had, not knowing what the outcome would be. She only had a sense that He was on the path of her life with her. She knew that He had not forsaken her. She spent much time in prayer and reading the Bible when she was able. The words on the pages of that Bible began to come to life for her and she knew that God was speaking to her. She began to stand on the scriptures that God laid on her heart, and she believed them to be true..and she believed them to be true for HER! Week after week went by, and then month after month, but she continued to simply lean in to God, and to believe what she felt He was bringing to life for her from His Word. She didn't see immediate results..she only knew that she shouldn't give up. She stated that she began to sense His presence more and more. He was with her when the ringing in her ears was so bad that she couldn't even think. He was with her during the nausea. He was with her when she was dizzy and couldn't even stand up. She began to appreciate the time that she was spending just in His presence and began to not worry so much about what was happening in her body. She still didn't know what her outcome would be..only that He would be with her.
I wonder how many of you are "stuck". Something has happened in your life that has left you reeling, and you just can't seem to move forward in your life. It may have been something very traumatic..possibly an illness, possibly the loss of the greatest love of your life, possibly you are literally hanging on by a thread with your job, possibly you just feel greatly misunderstood. I don't know what you are facing today..but I can offer you this..Lean into God. Simply lean into Him. I promise He will not let you fall.
In 1985, I had one of those catastrophic events in my own life. I guess that's the event that changed my life..the event that left me questioning God..wondering why..and completely "stuck" for many years. When Ray's ex-wife disappeared with his two was devastating. I don't know what was more difficult..facing the loss in my own life, or watching my husband try to go on day by day with no answers. I only know that at some point, in the quietness of my heart, God began to speak to me. He never really answered the "why" question. He only spoke to me that He loved me. Sometimes we get "stuck" wondering why..I know I did. I couldn't understand why..when I had tried to live a life that would be to glorify God, He would allow this in my life..Here I am 25 years later..and I don't have a solid answer to that question..but I do know this.
He has carried me. If I had never gone through that dark valley, I wouldn't have known or sensed His presence in my life. I would have gone on believing that I could function in this life quite well, all by myself. I wouldn't have known His healing power in my emotions. I wouldn't have the love for children that I have now. There is a new depth in my love for God that would never have been there, had I not experienced such a great need for Him in my life.
The woman that we heard speak stood in front of us the other night, completely healed. She had "leaned in", to the One Who would carry her through, the One Who step by step had taught her to trust Him, even when things didn't make sense and there were no answers. She knew that even if her life had gone differently and the healing hadn't come, she still would have had the victory..because she was keeping her eyes on the bigness of her God.
Beloved, God doesn't want you "stuck". He cares too much for you to leave you in that condition. He is the One Who died that you might have life! Today, if you are in a situation that you just haven't been able to see your way out of..if you just haven't been able to move forward, invite Him in..even if you have done it before. Begin to "lean in" to God..Begin to pay attention to His presence in your life. Begin to look into His Word, which is alive, and pay attenton as it starts to speak life into you!
He has promised to take step..not all at once..but step..and each step will be a miracle!
"God said...Don't look to the bigness of your need. Look to the bigness of your God!
Your circumstances are the hindrances to seeing My abilities...
If you keep your eyes on your circumstances, the devil might use
those circumstances to defeat you..
but your victory is in keeping your eyes on the bigness of your God
and in His love and abilitiy. He has promised to take you
step by step by step...not all at once.
But step by step...and each step will be a miracle!"
Psalm ll9:105 "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path"
We recently heard a woman share her testimony about a time of terrible sickness. She had vertigo and ringing in her ears that got to the point of being completely debilitating. She couldn't function at all for a long period of time. She and her husband prayed, but her symptoms only seemed to get worse. She didn't give up, believing that God wanted to bring her through this very difficult situation. She didn't know if He would heal her..only that she sensed His presence and she knew that whatever she faced, she would not walk the path alone. She began to really lean into God with all she had, not knowing what the outcome would be. She only had a sense that He was on the path of her life with her. She knew that He had not forsaken her. She spent much time in prayer and reading the Bible when she was able. The words on the pages of that Bible began to come to life for her and she knew that God was speaking to her. She began to stand on the scriptures that God laid on her heart, and she believed them to be true..and she believed them to be true for HER! Week after week went by, and then month after month, but she continued to simply lean in to God, and to believe what she felt He was bringing to life for her from His Word. She didn't see immediate results..she only knew that she shouldn't give up. She stated that she began to sense His presence more and more. He was with her when the ringing in her ears was so bad that she couldn't even think. He was with her during the nausea. He was with her when she was dizzy and couldn't even stand up. She began to appreciate the time that she was spending just in His presence and began to not worry so much about what was happening in her body. She still didn't know what her outcome would be..only that He would be with her.
I wonder how many of you are "stuck". Something has happened in your life that has left you reeling, and you just can't seem to move forward in your life. It may have been something very traumatic..possibly an illness, possibly the loss of the greatest love of your life, possibly you are literally hanging on by a thread with your job, possibly you just feel greatly misunderstood. I don't know what you are facing today..but I can offer you this..Lean into God. Simply lean into Him. I promise He will not let you fall.
In 1985, I had one of those catastrophic events in my own life. I guess that's the event that changed my life..the event that left me questioning God..wondering why..and completely "stuck" for many years. When Ray's ex-wife disappeared with his two was devastating. I don't know what was more difficult..facing the loss in my own life, or watching my husband try to go on day by day with no answers. I only know that at some point, in the quietness of my heart, God began to speak to me. He never really answered the "why" question. He only spoke to me that He loved me. Sometimes we get "stuck" wondering why..I know I did. I couldn't understand why..when I had tried to live a life that would be to glorify God, He would allow this in my life..Here I am 25 years later..and I don't have a solid answer to that question..but I do know this.
He has carried me. If I had never gone through that dark valley, I wouldn't have known or sensed His presence in my life. I would have gone on believing that I could function in this life quite well, all by myself. I wouldn't have known His healing power in my emotions. I wouldn't have the love for children that I have now. There is a new depth in my love for God that would never have been there, had I not experienced such a great need for Him in my life.
The woman that we heard speak stood in front of us the other night, completely healed. She had "leaned in", to the One Who would carry her through, the One Who step by step had taught her to trust Him, even when things didn't make sense and there were no answers. She knew that even if her life had gone differently and the healing hadn't come, she still would have had the victory..because she was keeping her eyes on the bigness of her God.
Beloved, God doesn't want you "stuck". He cares too much for you to leave you in that condition. He is the One Who died that you might have life! Today, if you are in a situation that you just haven't been able to see your way out of..if you just haven't been able to move forward, invite Him in..even if you have done it before. Begin to "lean in" to God..Begin to pay attention to His presence in your life. Begin to look into His Word, which is alive, and pay attenton as it starts to speak life into you!
He has promised to take step..not all at once..but step..and each step will be a miracle!
PURSUING PEACE Romans 14:17-23
Good morning everyone..Ray sent this to me this morning..not sure who the author is..but I liked it..hope you all are blessed.
PURSUING PEACE Romans 14:17-23
How wonderful that your kingdom, your rule in people's lives, is
not a matter of food and drink, but of righteousness and peace and
joy in the Holy Spirit. May I, in serving Christ this way, be
acceptable to you and a blessing to others.
Let me and all the members of your family pursue what makes for
peace and for mutual uplifting. Let none of us, for the sake of
personal rights, destroy your work of love in someone else. Help
us to appreciate our rights, but help each of us understand that it
is wrong to make others fall by insisting on them. Guide us to see
that it is right not to act in a way that
would make a brother or sister stumble.
The faith that I have, let me keep between you and me. Let me find
happiness in having no reason to judge myself for what I approve.
May I never do anything from the basis of doubt, but increase my trust in You..
In the name of Jesus I pray all this, asking that you will give me
love for my brothers and sisters. Amen.
PURSUING PEACE Romans 14:17-23
How wonderful that your kingdom, your rule in people's lives, is
not a matter of food and drink, but of righteousness and peace and
joy in the Holy Spirit. May I, in serving Christ this way, be
acceptable to you and a blessing to others.
Let me and all the members of your family pursue what makes for
peace and for mutual uplifting. Let none of us, for the sake of
personal rights, destroy your work of love in someone else. Help
us to appreciate our rights, but help each of us understand that it
is wrong to make others fall by insisting on them. Guide us to see
that it is right not to act in a way that
would make a brother or sister stumble.
The faith that I have, let me keep between you and me. Let me find
happiness in having no reason to judge myself for what I approve.
May I never do anything from the basis of doubt, but increase my trust in You..
In the name of Jesus I pray all this, asking that you will give me
love for my brothers and sisters. Amen.
WALKING IN LOVE Romans 14:13-16
Heavenly Father
Help me not pass judgment on others or despise them. Let me look
to You and to see others through Your eyes.
You have said, "As I live every knee shall bow to me, and every
tongue shall give praise to God." Let me praise you now .
Let my praise be willing and not forced.
Help me never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of
a brother or sister in Christ, and especially of some young person.
Don't let me injure anyone by exercising my rights. Let me rather
walk in love toward. Don't let my right to do something cause the
ruin of one for whom Christ died. Do not let what is good to me be evil spoken of.
In the name of Jesus I ask for the love and wisdom to so live.Amen.
Heavenly Father
Help me not pass judgment on others or despise them. Let me look
to You and to see others through Your eyes.
You have said, "As I live every knee shall bow to me, and every
tongue shall give praise to God." Let me praise you now .
Let my praise be willing and not forced.
Help me never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of
a brother or sister in Christ, and especially of some young person.
Don't let me injure anyone by exercising my rights. Let me rather
walk in love toward. Don't let my right to do something cause the
ruin of one for whom Christ died. Do not let what is good to me be evil spoken of.
In the name of Jesus I ask for the love and wisdom to so live.Amen.
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