I don't know about any of you, but at times I tend to want to please people. We all want to be liked. Sometimes, even people with good intentions can direct us according to what they would like to see in our lives..and often that is not the way in which God is leading us. Proverbs 29:25 says "The fear of man bringeth a snare" I think of a snare as being some kind of a trap that we can get caught in, and then feel stuck, with no way out. Pleasing people instead of God can be just such a trap. That verse goes on to say.."But whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be made safe" Notice it doesn't say "may" be made safe. It says "shall" be made safe.
Even Jesus had to face taking the high road, and risk not being a people pleaser. In fact, He had to face this kind of thing a lot... a great example is found in Matthew 16. Jesus was explaining to His disciples that He must go into Jerusalem and suffer many things, and then be killed..but be raised again on the third day. Peter began to rebuke Jesus, saying "Far be it from thee Lord. This shall not be unto thee". Peter was not understanding what was about to happen. He was seeking to protect Jesus..but if Jesus hadn't suffered and died, Peter, and all of us..would have died in our sins. Sometimes the most difficult trials we face come in the form of someone who is simply trying to protect us, or who doesn't want to see us face the difficulties in life. None of us truly enjoy walking through those hard times...but often, those are the very things that grow us. Those are the very times when our trust increases. Those are the times when God's word comes alive to us and we begin to believe and stand on that word.
The Lord IS my light and my salvation. The verse doesn't say here that he "might" be. It says that he "IS"! In another version, the verse says the Lord IS the stronghold of my life. A stronghold is a tower, a fortress, or a fortified hilltop from which an enemy could be protected. This is what your God IS to you.
The Lord IS the strength of your life. When you are surrounded by challenges and difficulties, you don't have to muster up your own strength. The Lord IS your strength. Maybe you don't "feel" His presence. Maybe you don't "feel" strong. Beloved, do not go by what you feel. Go by what the very word of God says is truth. The Lord IS the strength of your life. Remind yourself of it. Say it out loud. Let the words come out of your mouth, and then as you hear them, let them sink back into your own soul. The Lord IS your strength. He promises this. He doesn't lie.
Wonderful and Godly people are so important to surround ourselves with..but when we are looking for answers..when we need direction..when we are surrounded by trials and need strength..the Lord IS our strength. He is the light that will illuminate the next step that we need to take. He IS our salvation. On that we can trust.
May you all enjoy this long weekend..May you have peace in just knowing that you don't have to handle all the difficult things that may come in your direction..because the Lord IS the very strength of your life!
I am the way and the truth and the life
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” John 14:6-7
It can’t be said any plainer than this. In this too familiar statement, the Lord Jesus silences all the naysayers, all the critics, and forever answers our questions about the nature of God. I say that it is too familiar because it is often quoted but seldom really understood.
When the Lord said, “I am the way”, He was forever answering man’s questions of “How?” In saying, “I am the truth”, He silenced the myriad of voices both past and future who would ask, “Why?” and in saying “I am the life”, He spoke to the deep gnawing issues that spring from the question, “What?” Since the fall, how, what, and why have dominated the heart and thinking of man. Attempted answers fill rows and rows of shelves in libraries and bookstores on subjects dealing with psychology to the para-normal, from evolution to re-incarnation, from every major world religion to atheism. Philosophers have debated these questions, and poets have written and sung about them. Great leaders have fought wars defending their personal understanding of each, and sadly, countless multitudes of others have died with little or no understanding having ever been clearly gained regarding any of them…how, what, why?
Yet in this one short interaction with His disciples, the eternal King of Glory now in human likeness says, “I am the answer to each”. He doesn’t say, “I have the answer to each”, or “I know how to find the answer to each”, but rather, “If you know me, you now know God”, and “If you’ve seen me, you have seen God.” He says, “I am the answer to every question regarding man and God, to every question about man’s purposes, and to every question about the meaning of this existence we call life.”
How is that possible? It is because the Lord Jesus embodied each. Being Himself, God in human form, He became the very way to God. As the logos, the very Word of God, He Himself is the truth…not so much individual truths about something, but simply He is truth. And because He is eternal, and the creator and sustainer of all that exists, both seen and unseen, He is the life.
It is a continual challenge of our faith to gain and hold to the understanding that all we need is in Jesus. He is God’s provision to mankind, in every area and in every way. God the Father may not give us many “things”, He has given us His Son. When we have a need, it must awaken our heart to again confess as did Paul the apostle, “That I may know him.”
R. Martinez
It can’t be said any plainer than this. In this too familiar statement, the Lord Jesus silences all the naysayers, all the critics, and forever answers our questions about the nature of God. I say that it is too familiar because it is often quoted but seldom really understood.
When the Lord said, “I am the way”, He was forever answering man’s questions of “How?” In saying, “I am the truth”, He silenced the myriad of voices both past and future who would ask, “Why?” and in saying “I am the life”, He spoke to the deep gnawing issues that spring from the question, “What?” Since the fall, how, what, and why have dominated the heart and thinking of man. Attempted answers fill rows and rows of shelves in libraries and bookstores on subjects dealing with psychology to the para-normal, from evolution to re-incarnation, from every major world religion to atheism. Philosophers have debated these questions, and poets have written and sung about them. Great leaders have fought wars defending their personal understanding of each, and sadly, countless multitudes of others have died with little or no understanding having ever been clearly gained regarding any of them…how, what, why?
Yet in this one short interaction with His disciples, the eternal King of Glory now in human likeness says, “I am the answer to each”. He doesn’t say, “I have the answer to each”, or “I know how to find the answer to each”, but rather, “If you know me, you now know God”, and “If you’ve seen me, you have seen God.” He says, “I am the answer to every question regarding man and God, to every question about man’s purposes, and to every question about the meaning of this existence we call life.”
How is that possible? It is because the Lord Jesus embodied each. Being Himself, God in human form, He became the very way to God. As the logos, the very Word of God, He Himself is the truth…not so much individual truths about something, but simply He is truth. And because He is eternal, and the creator and sustainer of all that exists, both seen and unseen, He is the life.
It is a continual challenge of our faith to gain and hold to the understanding that all we need is in Jesus. He is God’s provision to mankind, in every area and in every way. God the Father may not give us many “things”, He has given us His Son. When we have a need, it must awaken our heart to again confess as did Paul the apostle, “That I may know him.”
R. Martinez
Rend you heart and not your garments
Rend you heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love and he relents from sending calamity. Joel 2:12
As we read the Old Testament, we must be careful to distinguish the Old Covenant perspective from that of the New Covenant. The book of Hebrews teaches clearly that “if there had been nothing wrong with the first covenant, no place would have been sought for another.” Yet it is true that throughout the Old Testament, the New Covenant is clearly revealed. This text in Joel is one such place. The power of the New Covenant is that it is grace initiated, grace enabled, and grace sustained. The primacy of grace that is made crystal clear in the New, is here clearly foretold by an Old Testament prophet.
Man’s heart has always been the issue with God. When God called to Adam in the garden asking, “Where are you?” He wasn’t asking where he and Eve were physically, but where was their heart now. The regaining of the human heart was so essential to God, that the New Covenant when spoken of by Jeremiah and Ezekiel promised a “new heart”, a heart that was soft toward God, replacing the heart of stone which was the result of sin.
We as New Covenant believers must keep that ever before us. The tendency to revert to outward means, and believing that they can cause us to receive favor from God is a primary sign of the insidious spirit of religion. Even in an Old Covenant context Joel says, “No, rend your hearts and not your garments!” Don’t fall into the deception that says if you could only do the right things outwardly that you will be right with God. Doing follows believing in this walk of faith. And believing is rooted in the abiding work of grace and what is now complete in Christ. This walk is a walk of resting. Working out our salvation is a work of resting. Thus the writer to the Hebrews says, “Be diligent to enter the rest of God.” We must work to rest.
When my life is not as it should be, if it’s for one minute, one day, or longer, the challenge isn’t to “get it together”, but to once again rest. My life’s strength and sustenance is the Lord Jesus Christ. I am complete in Him. Yes, there is a faith walk, and there are good works I am called to, but they are the by-product of the work of grace in my life that is now my tutor and mentor. Yes there are choices to make, and my will is always important, but the choices and the intent of my will is no longer a self-imposed righteousness, but rather to once again find the place of rest I now understand to be my salvation. Yes, it is true; He is gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in compassion. That I now know well.
R. Martinez
As we read the Old Testament, we must be careful to distinguish the Old Covenant perspective from that of the New Covenant. The book of Hebrews teaches clearly that “if there had been nothing wrong with the first covenant, no place would have been sought for another.” Yet it is true that throughout the Old Testament, the New Covenant is clearly revealed. This text in Joel is one such place. The power of the New Covenant is that it is grace initiated, grace enabled, and grace sustained. The primacy of grace that is made crystal clear in the New, is here clearly foretold by an Old Testament prophet.
Man’s heart has always been the issue with God. When God called to Adam in the garden asking, “Where are you?” He wasn’t asking where he and Eve were physically, but where was their heart now. The regaining of the human heart was so essential to God, that the New Covenant when spoken of by Jeremiah and Ezekiel promised a “new heart”, a heart that was soft toward God, replacing the heart of stone which was the result of sin.
We as New Covenant believers must keep that ever before us. The tendency to revert to outward means, and believing that they can cause us to receive favor from God is a primary sign of the insidious spirit of religion. Even in an Old Covenant context Joel says, “No, rend your hearts and not your garments!” Don’t fall into the deception that says if you could only do the right things outwardly that you will be right with God. Doing follows believing in this walk of faith. And believing is rooted in the abiding work of grace and what is now complete in Christ. This walk is a walk of resting. Working out our salvation is a work of resting. Thus the writer to the Hebrews says, “Be diligent to enter the rest of God.” We must work to rest.
When my life is not as it should be, if it’s for one minute, one day, or longer, the challenge isn’t to “get it together”, but to once again rest. My life’s strength and sustenance is the Lord Jesus Christ. I am complete in Him. Yes, there is a faith walk, and there are good works I am called to, but they are the by-product of the work of grace in my life that is now my tutor and mentor. Yes there are choices to make, and my will is always important, but the choices and the intent of my will is no longer a self-imposed righteousness, but rather to once again find the place of rest I now understand to be my salvation. Yes, it is true; He is gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in compassion. That I now know well.
R. Martinez
I John 3:1 "See what an incredible quality of love the Father has given (shown, bestowed) on us" Amplified
I have loved you just as the Father has loved Me. My thoughts toward you are filled with My desire for your good. You cannot separate My loving thoughts from you. Neither can tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness,peril or sword! Your own thinking may make you FEEL as though I am separate from you, but that is not the case. I am still here.
When I look upon you, I do not see a victim. I see a child who is victorious! When I look upon you, I do not think, "Oh, what a poor and pathetic thing we have here". I think, "there is MY child, called by MY name" I will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is fixed solidly on Me. May your faith be unmoveable.
When I think of you, I see you crowned splendidly in mercy and I see you wearing that crown with dignity and with trust. When I think of you, I see you submitted to Me, and with the eyes of your soul open to My heart. When I think of you, I see a child of God taking Me at My word. I see you loving My love. I see you thankful for My mercy and for the gift of eternal life that I have given you. I see you loving My Word. I see you rejoicing that your name is written in the Lamb's Book of life. I see you proud and thrilled to be called by Ny Name and walking in My Spirit. I see you following Me without complaint, in harmony with My thoughts.
I see you as My child, whom I fully love..the same way you see your child. Today, remember the love that your Heavenly Father has bestowed upon you. There is nothing greater.
When I look upon you, I do not see a victim. I see a child who is victorious! When I look upon you, I do not think, "Oh, what a poor and pathetic thing we have here". I think, "there is MY child, called by MY name" I will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is fixed solidly on Me. May your faith be unmoveable.
When I think of you, I see you crowned splendidly in mercy and I see you wearing that crown with dignity and with trust. When I think of you, I see you submitted to Me, and with the eyes of your soul open to My heart. When I think of you, I see a child of God taking Me at My word. I see you loving My love. I see you thankful for My mercy and for the gift of eternal life that I have given you. I see you loving My Word. I see you rejoicing that your name is written in the Lamb's Book of life. I see you proud and thrilled to be called by Ny Name and walking in My Spirit. I see you following Me without complaint, in harmony with My thoughts.
I see you as My child, whom I fully love..the same way you see your child. Today, remember the love that your Heavenly Father has bestowed upon you. There is nothing greater.
The Love of God
Hosea 2:19-20 "And I will betroth thee unto me forever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgement, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies. I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness; and thou shalt know the Lord"
I cannot begin to comprehend the love of God. It seems to me that there are so many layers to the depth of that love, that if we were to peel away each layer one at a time, there would be just as many layers remaining..because His love is endless. I have read the incredible story of Hosea and Gomer, and cried..because it speaks so loudly to me that although Gomer was unfaithful..although Israel was unfaithful..although we are unfaithful..God's love is unchanging. He continually offers forgiveness, and a renewed relationship with Himself.
God asks Hosea to do the unthinkable...to buy back his adulterous, and unrepentant wife..and then..to continue to love her..and to forgive her. Hosea could have divorced her..but he didn't. Hosea even had to pay to get her back..although the amount required was small..because at that point, Gomer was not worth much to anyone..except to Hosea. He loved her just as God loved Israel..just as He loves us. No matter how low any of us have ever sunk..God is willing to "buy us back"..to redeem us..and He has done so in the death and resurrection of His Son. The price that He paid to be our Redeemer was great. He paid with His life.
Ray and I watched an excellent movie on Hallmark recently called "The Magic of Ordinary Days"..It is the story of a woman during WWII who is pregnant out of wedlock. Her father arranges a marriage with a man that she has never met..and throughout the rest of the movie, that man begins to demonstrate the love of God to her. He pursues her with that love. He continually reaches out to her, and her heart begins to change. As she begins to see the love of Christ, demonstrated to her by her husband, her heart is softened and she repents..and she and her husband begin a beautiful and deeply loving relationship.
God's wedding gift to His people, both in Hosea's day, and in our own, is His mercy. Through no merit of our own, He forgives us and makes us right with Him. There is no way by our own efforts to reach God's high standard for moral and spiritual life, but He graciously accepts us, forgives us, and draws us into a relationship with Him. In that relationship, we have personal and intimate communion with Him.
God's love for you is unchanging..and it is everlasting...and He wants you to know Him as you never have before. I challenge each of us this weekend to take some time with our Beloved. There is no higher honor than to sit at His feet. There is no greater joy than knowing Him..and than realizing that as you sink deeper into the layers of that love, the layers will only grow deeper.
Ok..to end this week, I will leave you with a funny story. After Ray and I had watched the movie that I told you about, we were discussing how the man in the movie pursued his wife with the love of Christ, and how it didn't matter what she had done..but that this man was daily living that love out and it was ministering to her. Ray reminded me of the story of Hosea and Gomer..but he forgot for a second what Hosea's name was..I was busy doing something when he said to me.."Who was it that Gomer was with?"..and my reply was.."What? Are you talking about Goober?" We laughed for an hour!
Love you all!
I cannot begin to comprehend the love of God. It seems to me that there are so many layers to the depth of that love, that if we were to peel away each layer one at a time, there would be just as many layers remaining..because His love is endless. I have read the incredible story of Hosea and Gomer, and cried..because it speaks so loudly to me that although Gomer was unfaithful..although Israel was unfaithful..although we are unfaithful..God's love is unchanging. He continually offers forgiveness, and a renewed relationship with Himself.
God asks Hosea to do the unthinkable...to buy back his adulterous, and unrepentant wife..and then..to continue to love her..and to forgive her. Hosea could have divorced her..but he didn't. Hosea even had to pay to get her back..although the amount required was small..because at that point, Gomer was not worth much to anyone..except to Hosea. He loved her just as God loved Israel..just as He loves us. No matter how low any of us have ever sunk..God is willing to "buy us back"..to redeem us..and He has done so in the death and resurrection of His Son. The price that He paid to be our Redeemer was great. He paid with His life.
Ray and I watched an excellent movie on Hallmark recently called "The Magic of Ordinary Days"..It is the story of a woman during WWII who is pregnant out of wedlock. Her father arranges a marriage with a man that she has never met..and throughout the rest of the movie, that man begins to demonstrate the love of God to her. He pursues her with that love. He continually reaches out to her, and her heart begins to change. As she begins to see the love of Christ, demonstrated to her by her husband, her heart is softened and she repents..and she and her husband begin a beautiful and deeply loving relationship.
God's wedding gift to His people, both in Hosea's day, and in our own, is His mercy. Through no merit of our own, He forgives us and makes us right with Him. There is no way by our own efforts to reach God's high standard for moral and spiritual life, but He graciously accepts us, forgives us, and draws us into a relationship with Him. In that relationship, we have personal and intimate communion with Him.
God's love for you is unchanging..and it is everlasting...and He wants you to know Him as you never have before. I challenge each of us this weekend to take some time with our Beloved. There is no higher honor than to sit at His feet. There is no greater joy than knowing Him..and than realizing that as you sink deeper into the layers of that love, the layers will only grow deeper.
Ok..to end this week, I will leave you with a funny story. After Ray and I had watched the movie that I told you about, we were discussing how the man in the movie pursued his wife with the love of Christ, and how it didn't matter what she had done..but that this man was daily living that love out and it was ministering to her. Ray reminded me of the story of Hosea and Gomer..but he forgot for a second what Hosea's name was..I was busy doing something when he said to me.."Who was it that Gomer was with?"..and my reply was.."What? Are you talking about Goober?" We laughed for an hour!
Love you all!
I John 3:21 "Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God"
How often I've called you in love and in tenderness. How often I've sung over you in the night and rejoiced over you in the day. And yet, how often I've heard you curse yourself. How often I've heard your private battle cry against yourself.
Why? Have I waged war againt My beloved? Have I instructed you to hurl rebukes and angry insults at My chosen? Am I to wear the uniform of the enemy and take sides against My own?
I am He who calls you to the glorious kingdom of peace and righteousness. I am the One who gives you new life..and who pulls you from sin and hatred. Would you accuse Me of sending you that which I have freed you from?
When you came, holding your heart out to Me, I lifted you up into My own heart. I see you as a rare and precious gem, fitting perfectly in the Father's resplendent heavenly crown. I am making a gem out of you.
I have created a new heart in you..and now you wage war against that very heart. Please do not devalue the jewel of God.
Peace, I give you My dear one..peace to be yourself, and to enjoy being Who I have created you to be...to be gentle with yourself is to hold Me in esteem.
Because you love Me, end the war with yourself.
Why? Have I waged war againt My beloved? Have I instructed you to hurl rebukes and angry insults at My chosen? Am I to wear the uniform of the enemy and take sides against My own?
I am He who calls you to the glorious kingdom of peace and righteousness. I am the One who gives you new life..and who pulls you from sin and hatred. Would you accuse Me of sending you that which I have freed you from?
When you came, holding your heart out to Me, I lifted you up into My own heart. I see you as a rare and precious gem, fitting perfectly in the Father's resplendent heavenly crown. I am making a gem out of you.
I have created a new heart in you..and now you wage war against that very heart. Please do not devalue the jewel of God.
Peace, I give you My dear one..peace to be yourself, and to enjoy being Who I have created you to be...to be gentle with yourself is to hold Me in esteem.
Because you love Me, end the war with yourself.
John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid"
God's heart is large enough to hold your hurt as well as your joy. He is with you in tears and in laughter. He has not forgotten you, no matter what you may be temped to believe. He does not love you less when your circumstances change or when things go wrong. His love for you is from everlasting to everlasting. His love for you is perfect. His love for you is powerful. His love for you does not change. His love can be trusted.
He has called each of us to a walk of faith. This walk requires a living relationship with Him..every minute..of every day...no matter what the circumstances may be. It is not always an easy walk. It may not always be smooth. There will be times when we just don't understand why certain things have happened in our lives..but God sees what we don't see. He understands the big picture. He knows how to protect us and how to direct our path.
He is at work in us always. The result of the Holy Spirit's continual work in us is deep and lasting peace. It is unlike worldly peace, which is often defined as the absence of conflict. It is a confident assurance that that we have no need to fear because He lives in us..and He loves us. Let Him be the God Who comforts you. Let Him be the balm of Gilead that heals all your hurts.
God's heart is large enough to hold your hurt as well as your joy. He is with you in tears and in laughter. He has not forgotten you, no matter what you may be temped to believe. He does not love you less when your circumstances change or when things go wrong. His love for you is from everlasting to everlasting. His love for you is perfect. His love for you is powerful. His love for you does not change. His love can be trusted.
He has called each of us to a walk of faith. This walk requires a living relationship with Him..every minute..of every day...no matter what the circumstances may be. It is not always an easy walk. It may not always be smooth. There will be times when we just don't understand why certain things have happened in our lives..but God sees what we don't see. He understands the big picture. He knows how to protect us and how to direct our path.
He is at work in us always. The result of the Holy Spirit's continual work in us is deep and lasting peace. It is unlike worldly peace, which is often defined as the absence of conflict. It is a confident assurance that that we have no need to fear because He lives in us..and He loves us. Let Him be the God Who comforts you. Let Him be the balm of Gilead that heals all your hurts.
"That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death". Philippians 3:1
In this one sentence, Paul states the purpose of His life. Of course, there are shelves and shelves of books written about each of these subjects, but this is Paul’s definition of destiny and of living life with purpose.
Knowing God isn’t simply “knowing about” Him, it implies experiential knowledge. I know my wife, and thankfully it is much more than head knowledge about her. I know her small sighs, her glances, her areas of vulnerability, and what is sure to make her laugh when she needs something to ease her day. I know what she loves, what she dislikes, and what she longs for. And she can say the same of me. This is the kind of knowledge Paul says he is pressing toward with the Living God.
The power of His resurrection is the life that overcame death. It is the life that brings “joy unspeakable” in the midst of life and its challenges. The power of His rising is the living hope of a future with Him, one free from sickness and death, a life that is eternal and the fulfillment of the His purposes in Christ. The power of His rising is the enabling grace that sustains me and the anointing that breaks demonic strangleholds in hearts. It is the Kingdom come now on earth as it is in heaven. Paul says I want to know the power of His rising in this life here and now.
The fellowship of His sufferings is harder to understand and less commonly embraced. They are the cost of following in this life, entering through the narrow gate and walking the narrow path. To fellowship is to share something in common. Paul says I want to have in common with the Lord Jesus the suffering He experienced for the sake of others, the price that I must pay to have fellowship with the Redeemer King. It’s not a depressing, miserable existence. There is joy unspeakable in the fellowship, but it is an uncommon life and attitude, one that will set me apart from the masses, even those who claim Christian as their name.
Conformity to His death is the result. Less of the self-life, more of His life. Conformity implies that the intrinsic nature is the same. His heart becomes my heart, His desires, my desires, only His will be done. Conformity to His death results in His life being revealed through this clay pot. The power and life of God revealed through a vessel that has been made ready for the glory of God to be seen.
Paul says to the church, “This is my purpose and my destiny.” Now that’s a mission statement for life. May we understand and embrace the same heart. Amen
By Rick Martinez
Knowing God isn’t simply “knowing about” Him, it implies experiential knowledge. I know my wife, and thankfully it is much more than head knowledge about her. I know her small sighs, her glances, her areas of vulnerability, and what is sure to make her laugh when she needs something to ease her day. I know what she loves, what she dislikes, and what she longs for. And she can say the same of me. This is the kind of knowledge Paul says he is pressing toward with the Living God.
The power of His resurrection is the life that overcame death. It is the life that brings “joy unspeakable” in the midst of life and its challenges. The power of His rising is the living hope of a future with Him, one free from sickness and death, a life that is eternal and the fulfillment of the His purposes in Christ. The power of His rising is the enabling grace that sustains me and the anointing that breaks demonic strangleholds in hearts. It is the Kingdom come now on earth as it is in heaven. Paul says I want to know the power of His rising in this life here and now.
The fellowship of His sufferings is harder to understand and less commonly embraced. They are the cost of following in this life, entering through the narrow gate and walking the narrow path. To fellowship is to share something in common. Paul says I want to have in common with the Lord Jesus the suffering He experienced for the sake of others, the price that I must pay to have fellowship with the Redeemer King. It’s not a depressing, miserable existence. There is joy unspeakable in the fellowship, but it is an uncommon life and attitude, one that will set me apart from the masses, even those who claim Christian as their name.
Conformity to His death is the result. Less of the self-life, more of His life. Conformity implies that the intrinsic nature is the same. His heart becomes my heart, His desires, my desires, only His will be done. Conformity to His death results in His life being revealed through this clay pot. The power and life of God revealed through a vessel that has been made ready for the glory of God to be seen.
Paul says to the church, “This is my purpose and my destiny.” Now that’s a mission statement for life. May we understand and embrace the same heart. Amen
By Rick Martinez
Psalm 104:1 "I will praise the Lord"
Everyone please, if you can, take some time today to read this entire Psalm. It is incredible! Have you ever wondered why God gives so much? We could exist on far less. He could have left the world flat and gray; we wouldn't have known the difference. But he didn't.
He splashed orange in the sunrise
and cast the sky in blue.
And if you love to see geese as they gather,
chances are you'll see that too.
Did he have to make the squirrel's tail furry?
Was he obliged to make the birds sings?
And the funny way that chickens scurry
or the majesty of thunder when it rings?
Why give a flower fragrance?
Why give food its taste?
Could it behe loves to seet
hat look upon your face?
Hi Everyone..I saw this today on Dayspring's devotion and I liked it. I have thought many times about all that God has given us..I have been in awe of a simple rainbow..and thought about how much God loves us to have given us so much. I love the seasons..today it is cold and windy, but tomorrow may be warm and sunny. The colors are amazing to me as the seasons change. Fall is my favorite. I love to see a tree that has turned from green to yellow, to orange, to red, and even to purple. Things would be so boring if the seasons never changed. I love the color of the ocean as it reflects the sky above it. I love to watch the hills change from brown to green in the fall and winter. This year, the wildflowers have been incredible. Everywhere I look I see the beautiful purple and yellow flowers springing up. Over and over, I am reminded that God has put all of these wonderful things here for us to enjoy. Today, I hope you will look at the world around you, and be reminded of the love of God.
I wanted to share with all of you today that on my birthday, several weeks ago, I was given the most incredible gift, by one of my nieces. I have the most wonderful nieces and nephews, and am soooooo blessed! This particular niece had started a blog for me, of all the daily devotions. I was very touched, especially because a lot of mine had been deleted, and I thought they were gone. My niece, has collected all of these daily devotions and each day when I do a new one, she adds it on. I can't tell you what that meant to me. Anyway, I want to give each of you the website, so you can start reading the devotions there daily. After this Friday, if you wish to continue receiving the daily email, I would be delighted to send it to you! Please let me know if that's the case. I think blogging is such a great idea so that hopefully the devotion can reach more people. God has given me a burden to encourage people. I'm hoping that even more people will join us daily as we unite with one heart to live for Him!
Here is the website...http://judysdailydevotionals.blogspot.com/
I hope to see you there soon. I love you all..and to Rayna, my wonderful niece..to say thank you doesn't even begin to cover it. You have given a gift that means more to me than I could ever tell you. I love you very much!
He splashed orange in the sunrise
and cast the sky in blue.
And if you love to see geese as they gather,
chances are you'll see that too.
Did he have to make the squirrel's tail furry?
Was he obliged to make the birds sings?
And the funny way that chickens scurry
or the majesty of thunder when it rings?
Why give a flower fragrance?
Why give food its taste?
Could it behe loves to seet
hat look upon your face?
Hi Everyone..I saw this today on Dayspring's devotion and I liked it. I have thought many times about all that God has given us..I have been in awe of a simple rainbow..and thought about how much God loves us to have given us so much. I love the seasons..today it is cold and windy, but tomorrow may be warm and sunny. The colors are amazing to me as the seasons change. Fall is my favorite. I love to see a tree that has turned from green to yellow, to orange, to red, and even to purple. Things would be so boring if the seasons never changed. I love the color of the ocean as it reflects the sky above it. I love to watch the hills change from brown to green in the fall and winter. This year, the wildflowers have been incredible. Everywhere I look I see the beautiful purple and yellow flowers springing up. Over and over, I am reminded that God has put all of these wonderful things here for us to enjoy. Today, I hope you will look at the world around you, and be reminded of the love of God.
I wanted to share with all of you today that on my birthday, several weeks ago, I was given the most incredible gift, by one of my nieces. I have the most wonderful nieces and nephews, and am soooooo blessed! This particular niece had started a blog for me, of all the daily devotions. I was very touched, especially because a lot of mine had been deleted, and I thought they were gone. My niece, has collected all of these daily devotions and each day when I do a new one, she adds it on. I can't tell you what that meant to me. Anyway, I want to give each of you the website, so you can start reading the devotions there daily. After this Friday, if you wish to continue receiving the daily email, I would be delighted to send it to you! Please let me know if that's the case. I think blogging is such a great idea so that hopefully the devotion can reach more people. God has given me a burden to encourage people. I'm hoping that even more people will join us daily as we unite with one heart to live for Him!
Here is the website...http://judysdailydevotionals.blogspot.com/
I hope to see you there soon. I love you all..and to Rayna, my wonderful niece..to say thank you doesn't even begin to cover it. You have given a gift that means more to me than I could ever tell you. I love you very much!
Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today
When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” Luke 19:5
So often we can feel like we’re just one of the many faces in the crowd. The corporate nature of our faith is crucial to understanding God’s purposes in Christ. After all, the Lord said to Abraham, ” I will make you the father of a multitude, as many as the sand on the shore and the stars in the heaven.” Yes, we are each a part of that huge multitude the Lord spoke of. But it is also crucial to our faith that we know and understand that each of our individual lives is ever before Him as well. We need both; a strong sense of the corporate nature of our faith and a quiet confidence that as an individual man or woman, we aren’t lost in the crowd in this life we live.
You may say, “Oh, I know I’m important to the Lord, after all, He died for me.” True, but are you convinced that every area of your life, every step, every decision, even the thoughts and intents of your heart are dear and precious to Him as well. Or are you just a face in the crowd, or perhaps, a watcher from a vantage point above sitting in a tree.
One of the pleasures of being a father is watching your children or grandchildren when they are young, just playing and having fun when they aren’t aware you are watching them. Their innocence, simplicity of heart, and exuberance for life is so beautiful to see. They are secure, because even though they aren’t interacting with you at that point, they know you are there, and that gives them comfort and peace.
Zacchaeus had no expectation that Jesus would see him that day, let alone have dinner with he and his family in their home that night. But Jesus did see him. He saw him in the midst of the crowd that was clamoring for Him, that was pulling on Him, and He saw him when no one else could. And that day when Zacchaeus became fully aware that he was “seen” by the Lord, his life changed forever.
The confidence that our lives are ever before the Lord is a powerful motivator. It motivates me to live my life in secret as I do in public, and it strengthens me when I feel alone and unseen to know that I am never out of His sight. It gives me peace when I am uncertain about the future, and it compels me to love Him all the more because I know that He loves me and cares about me in every way. The Lord sees me and He sees you. He sees me in His Son, and He sees me as I was created to be. But He also sees me in my humanity, in my vulnerability and in my times of uncertainty. And He loves me. My life is forever changed because He sees me.
Rick Martinez
So often we can feel like we’re just one of the many faces in the crowd. The corporate nature of our faith is crucial to understanding God’s purposes in Christ. After all, the Lord said to Abraham, ” I will make you the father of a multitude, as many as the sand on the shore and the stars in the heaven.” Yes, we are each a part of that huge multitude the Lord spoke of. But it is also crucial to our faith that we know and understand that each of our individual lives is ever before Him as well. We need both; a strong sense of the corporate nature of our faith and a quiet confidence that as an individual man or woman, we aren’t lost in the crowd in this life we live.
You may say, “Oh, I know I’m important to the Lord, after all, He died for me.” True, but are you convinced that every area of your life, every step, every decision, even the thoughts and intents of your heart are dear and precious to Him as well. Or are you just a face in the crowd, or perhaps, a watcher from a vantage point above sitting in a tree.
One of the pleasures of being a father is watching your children or grandchildren when they are young, just playing and having fun when they aren’t aware you are watching them. Their innocence, simplicity of heart, and exuberance for life is so beautiful to see. They are secure, because even though they aren’t interacting with you at that point, they know you are there, and that gives them comfort and peace.
Zacchaeus had no expectation that Jesus would see him that day, let alone have dinner with he and his family in their home that night. But Jesus did see him. He saw him in the midst of the crowd that was clamoring for Him, that was pulling on Him, and He saw him when no one else could. And that day when Zacchaeus became fully aware that he was “seen” by the Lord, his life changed forever.
The confidence that our lives are ever before the Lord is a powerful motivator. It motivates me to live my life in secret as I do in public, and it strengthens me when I feel alone and unseen to know that I am never out of His sight. It gives me peace when I am uncertain about the future, and it compels me to love Him all the more because I know that He loves me and cares about me in every way. The Lord sees me and He sees you. He sees me in His Son, and He sees me as I was created to be. But He also sees me in my humanity, in my vulnerability and in my times of uncertainty. And He loves me. My life is forever changed because He sees me.
Rick Martinez
Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. 1 Timothy 6:6
Contentment is one of those qualities that can’t be faked. It also can’t be brought about through just “trying”. It is the by-product, the fruit of something else altogether. Contentment is a powerful characteristic of heart because it is able to keep a person free from some very damaging problems of the heart; jealousy, greed, envy, and covetousness. A man or woman who is not enslaved or even encumbered by those four crippling things is a person who is on the road to true joy, happiness and effectiveness for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Contentment keeps us from comparing ourselves to others as well. A man or woman who lives contentedly isn’t always worried that someone else has more of anything than they do. In fact they probably don’t even think that way, because contentment doesn’t keep record or track of what others have or don’t have. It is blind to comparison, immune to petty insecurities and jealousy, and unaware of status and pecking orders. To be content is to be grateful for what we do have. It is free from worry about tomorrow, because underlying a heart of contentment is the strong conviction that we are in the hands of God, and that He knows what is best for us at any given time. If we are in a time of “plenty” we are grateful and know that it may only be for a season. If we are in a time of “want” we are at peace, because we know the Lord is in control of our lives.
Paul said that he had “learned the secret of being content.” What is the secret? I believe it is learning to see with spiritual eyes first, and then with earthly eyes. Paul lived by a different value system than most others around him. He said, “We look at the things that are unseen, because the unseen realm is eternal. The things that can be seen are temporary.” He prayed that the church’s love would “abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight”, so that they would “be able to discern what is best.” An abounding love of the unseen, eternal realm and its values and life, in order to discern what is most important; this is the key to contentment. To be content is not to be uncaring. No, in fact it is the very opposite. It’s just that the “caring” is directed outward rather than inward.
We must learn the secret of contentment. This is especially important in these days in which we live. Contentment will ensure that we remain free, free from the snares of materialism, free from slavery of the fear of man, and free to live whole heartedly for the Lord Jesus. As Paul said, that in itself is great wealth.
Keep my heart free for you Lord Jesus. Thank you for what you have given me in this life. I trust you for my future and for all my needs. Spirit of God, teach me the power and secret of contentment. Amen
by Rick Martinez
Contentment keeps us from comparing ourselves to others as well. A man or woman who lives contentedly isn’t always worried that someone else has more of anything than they do. In fact they probably don’t even think that way, because contentment doesn’t keep record or track of what others have or don’t have. It is blind to comparison, immune to petty insecurities and jealousy, and unaware of status and pecking orders. To be content is to be grateful for what we do have. It is free from worry about tomorrow, because underlying a heart of contentment is the strong conviction that we are in the hands of God, and that He knows what is best for us at any given time. If we are in a time of “plenty” we are grateful and know that it may only be for a season. If we are in a time of “want” we are at peace, because we know the Lord is in control of our lives.
Paul said that he had “learned the secret of being content.” What is the secret? I believe it is learning to see with spiritual eyes first, and then with earthly eyes. Paul lived by a different value system than most others around him. He said, “We look at the things that are unseen, because the unseen realm is eternal. The things that can be seen are temporary.” He prayed that the church’s love would “abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight”, so that they would “be able to discern what is best.” An abounding love of the unseen, eternal realm and its values and life, in order to discern what is most important; this is the key to contentment. To be content is not to be uncaring. No, in fact it is the very opposite. It’s just that the “caring” is directed outward rather than inward.
We must learn the secret of contentment. This is especially important in these days in which we live. Contentment will ensure that we remain free, free from the snares of materialism, free from slavery of the fear of man, and free to live whole heartedly for the Lord Jesus. As Paul said, that in itself is great wealth.
Keep my heart free for you Lord Jesus. Thank you for what you have given me in this life. I trust you for my future and for all my needs. Spirit of God, teach me the power and secret of contentment. Amen
by Rick Martinez
1 Corinthians 15:51-57 Father, you are the keeper of every promise..
Thank you for disclosing to us the mystery of what is to come!
Keep us looking forward to that moment when we shall all be
changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.
Thank you that there will be some who will not even have to die
but will rise to meet the Savior in the air.
We praise you heavenly Father.
By your will the last trumpet will sound.
The dead will be raised imperishable.
We shall all bechanged.
You will make our perishable nature imperishable,
our mortal nature immortal.
Then you will bring to pass what is written,
"Death is swallowedup in victory."
"O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?"
Thanks be to you, gracious Father,
for making us more than conquerors now
and for guaranteeing us final victory through our
Lord Jesus Christ!
In the name of Jesus I lift my voice to you on high.
Keep us looking forward to that moment when we shall all be
changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.
Thank you that there will be some who will not even have to die
but will rise to meet the Savior in the air.
We praise you heavenly Father.
By your will the last trumpet will sound.
The dead will be raised imperishable.
We shall all bechanged.
You will make our perishable nature imperishable,
our mortal nature immortal.
Then you will bring to pass what is written,
"Death is swallowedup in victory."
"O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?"
Thanks be to you, gracious Father,
for making us more than conquerors now
and for guaranteeing us final victory through our
Lord Jesus Christ!
In the name of Jesus I lift my voice to you on high.
2 Tim. 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith"
Write those things I say to you. Write and hold back nothing of all I shall say to you. For I shall speak to you in the darkness and make your way a path of light. I will cry to you out of the confusion round about, and you shall hear My voice and know that which I do. My way is hidden from those who seek to walk in their own wisdom.
But look to Me, and I will be your beacon in the night, and you will not stumble over the hidden things. You will walk in a way of victory though turmoil is on either hand, even as Israel marched through the Red Sea on a path My hand hewed out for them. Yes it shall be a path of deliverance, and My Spirit shall go with you, and you shall carry the glad tidings of deliverance to people that sit in darkness and captivity.
Tarry not for a convenient time. The movings of the Spirit are never convenient to the interests of the flesh, and I shall engineer your circumstances to conform to My plan and my will. You will glorify Me; for My plan for you excels all other ways. Do not doubt or hesitate for I the Lord your God go before you. You already have My promise that the work I began, I am able to carry through to completion.
Yes, there is already laid up an exceeding weight of glory for those who go through with Me and determine to seize the prize. All the glittering enticements of this transient life are as chaff, for God's gifts and calling never waver.
Lord Jesus, today I cast myself at Your feet. Let me bathe them in tears for my feet have been like lead. They have been weighed down with the cares of this life. I have been like one in a dream who seeks to run and is held paralyzed. Set me free, Omnipotent Lord, and make me Your glad and willing servant. Free my feet and make them swift to do Your bidding. Loose my tongue to shout Your praise. Free my heart to love the lost with the great deep compassion of Jesus. Amen.
Frances J. Roberts
Everyone, I have prayer request from my friend who is asking all of us to pray for her grandson, who is going to be stationed in Afghanistan. I think more and more about these amazing young men and women who serve their country, and I have personally known so many who have "fought the good fight" all over the world. Today, would you lift them up in prayer with me?
But look to Me, and I will be your beacon in the night, and you will not stumble over the hidden things. You will walk in a way of victory though turmoil is on either hand, even as Israel marched through the Red Sea on a path My hand hewed out for them. Yes it shall be a path of deliverance, and My Spirit shall go with you, and you shall carry the glad tidings of deliverance to people that sit in darkness and captivity.
Tarry not for a convenient time. The movings of the Spirit are never convenient to the interests of the flesh, and I shall engineer your circumstances to conform to My plan and my will. You will glorify Me; for My plan for you excels all other ways. Do not doubt or hesitate for I the Lord your God go before you. You already have My promise that the work I began, I am able to carry through to completion.
Yes, there is already laid up an exceeding weight of glory for those who go through with Me and determine to seize the prize. All the glittering enticements of this transient life are as chaff, for God's gifts and calling never waver.
Lord Jesus, today I cast myself at Your feet. Let me bathe them in tears for my feet have been like lead. They have been weighed down with the cares of this life. I have been like one in a dream who seeks to run and is held paralyzed. Set me free, Omnipotent Lord, and make me Your glad and willing servant. Free my feet and make them swift to do Your bidding. Loose my tongue to shout Your praise. Free my heart to love the lost with the great deep compassion of Jesus. Amen.
Frances J. Roberts
Everyone, I have prayer request from my friend who is asking all of us to pray for her grandson, who is going to be stationed in Afghanistan. I think more and more about these amazing young men and women who serve their country, and I have personally known so many who have "fought the good fight" all over the world. Today, would you lift them up in prayer with me?
Thank you Jesus
1 Corinthians 15:32 "If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we die"
Father, You are a rewarder of all those who diligently seek you.
Thank you for Jesus, for your life not only taught us how to live,
but your resurrection proved that you have power over death.
Thank you for the assurance of resurrection, for without it we
would have no reason to persevere.
His resurrection is why I believe in my own future resurrection.
All my hopes are pinned on him. Were it not for this, I would
live as do unbelievers, who say,
"Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.
"May I live according to Christ's righteousness through
the power that raised him from the dead.
And may I never forget the promiseof resurrection.
In His Name..
Father, You are a rewarder of all those who diligently seek you.
Thank you for Jesus, for your life not only taught us how to live,
but your resurrection proved that you have power over death.
Thank you for the assurance of resurrection, for without it we
would have no reason to persevere.
His resurrection is why I believe in my own future resurrection.
All my hopes are pinned on him. Were it not for this, I would
live as do unbelievers, who say,
"Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.
"May I live according to Christ's righteousness through
the power that raised him from the dead.
And may I never forget the promiseof resurrection.
In His Name..
I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me
Phil. 4 : 13 This will give you chills...... No matter how religious you may or may not be,this can give you chills. Phil. 4:13 states: 'I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me..'
Here's the story:A young man who had been raised as an atheistwas training to be an Olympic diver.The only religious influence in his life came from his outspoken Christian friend. The young diver never really paid much attention to his friend's sermons, but he heard them often. One night the diver went to the indoor pool at the college he attended.The lights were all off, but as the pool had big skylights and the moon was bright, there was plenty of light to practice by. The young man climbed up to the highest diving board and as he turned his back to the pool on the edge of the board and extended his arms out,he saw his shadow on the wall. The shadow of his body,was in the shape of a cross.. The man felt a strange feeling, like someone was speaking to him. Instead of diving, he knelt down andfinally asked God to come into his life. As the young man stood, a maintenance man walked in and turned the lights on. The pool had been drained! for repairs.
Remember this story and send it to a friend. Yes, I do Love Jesus. He is my source of existence and Savior. He keeps me functioning each and everyday. 'Without Him, I will be nothing. Without him, I am nothing but with Him I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me...
Here's the story:A young man who had been raised as an atheistwas training to be an Olympic diver.The only religious influence in his life came from his outspoken Christian friend. The young diver never really paid much attention to his friend's sermons, but he heard them often. One night the diver went to the indoor pool at the college he attended.The lights were all off, but as the pool had big skylights and the moon was bright, there was plenty of light to practice by. The young man climbed up to the highest diving board and as he turned his back to the pool on the edge of the board and extended his arms out,he saw his shadow on the wall. The shadow of his body,was in the shape of a cross.. The man felt a strange feeling, like someone was speaking to him. Instead of diving, he knelt down andfinally asked God to come into his life. As the young man stood, a maintenance man walked in and turned the lights on. The pool had been drained! for repairs.
Remember this story and send it to a friend. Yes, I do Love Jesus. He is my source of existence and Savior. He keeps me functioning each and everyday. 'Without Him, I will be nothing. Without him, I am nothing but with Him I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me...
Prayer Requests
Hi Everyone..
I just wanted to ask all of you to continue praying for the Ibarra family in our church. Their son has been missing for about 9 days now. He has been seen in the Sacramento area and each night this week, families from our church have been out looking for him. Prayer is so important and so often such an amazing way of helping someone that you've never even met. I know that this precious family would appreciate all of your continued prayers.
Also, if you would be praying for my friend Margarita's cousin Manuel, who just found out that he has terminal cancer, and only a couple of weeks to live..I know that this family is heartbroken and need prayer. Margarita has been a real blessing in my life, and I thank you all for bringing she and her family before the throne..
May you all be blessed this weekend. Happy Mother's Day!
I just wanted to ask all of you to continue praying for the Ibarra family in our church. Their son has been missing for about 9 days now. He has been seen in the Sacramento area and each night this week, families from our church have been out looking for him. Prayer is so important and so often such an amazing way of helping someone that you've never even met. I know that this precious family would appreciate all of your continued prayers.
Also, if you would be praying for my friend Margarita's cousin Manuel, who just found out that he has terminal cancer, and only a couple of weeks to live..I know that this family is heartbroken and need prayer. Margarita has been a real blessing in my life, and I thank you all for bringing she and her family before the throne..
May you all be blessed this weekend. Happy Mother's Day!
For I know the plans I have for you...
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"
If we were to think of ourselves as He thinks of us, how happy and satisfied we would be. How full of joy. We would be at peace. We would sense a complete absence of strife, stress, and anxiety.
He is alive in our hearts, where we invited Him to live. He wants to fill us to overflowing. He says to keep our heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the very issues of life..but at times it seems that many of us war against our own precious hearts. Instead of sensing His overflowing presence, we are filled with guilt, hopelessness, self disgust, anger, or pain. When we allow those things in, for lack of a better way of putting it, it's like jumping in to an empty grave, because there is no life in living by our negative emotions, rather than living by faith in the Son of God...
Because He is RISEN from the grave. He has called us from outside the grave. He wants us to leave behind the war that has been in our hearts..to bury hopelessness and guilt..and to sit with Him in heavenly places where He has made a place for us.
Your heavenly Father is slow to anger, gracious and merciful and full of steadfast love. Shake yourself loose from the dust. Loose yourself from the bonds around your neck, and enjoy being His child.
If we were to think of ourselves as He thinks of us, how happy and satisfied we would be. How full of joy. We would be at peace. We would sense a complete absence of strife, stress, and anxiety.
He is alive in our hearts, where we invited Him to live. He wants to fill us to overflowing. He says to keep our heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the very issues of life..but at times it seems that many of us war against our own precious hearts. Instead of sensing His overflowing presence, we are filled with guilt, hopelessness, self disgust, anger, or pain. When we allow those things in, for lack of a better way of putting it, it's like jumping in to an empty grave, because there is no life in living by our negative emotions, rather than living by faith in the Son of God...
Because He is RISEN from the grave. He has called us from outside the grave. He wants us to leave behind the war that has been in our hearts..to bury hopelessness and guilt..and to sit with Him in heavenly places where He has made a place for us.
Your heavenly Father is slow to anger, gracious and merciful and full of steadfast love. Shake yourself loose from the dust. Loose yourself from the bonds around your neck, and enjoy being His child.
He will continually intercede
Hebrews 7:24-25 "But this Man (Jesus), because He continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Wherefore, he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them"
When Jesus hung on the cross, He said, "It is finished". Therefore, according to Hebrews, His ministry on our behalf now is to continually intercede for us! That is what He lives to do for us now. Isn't that incredible?
When you are in a difficult situation, and don't know how to pray..when the words wont even come..you don't have to worry..Jesus is interceding on your behalf. The more I think about this, the more it ministers to me. I have gone through different situations, and thought to myself..Right NOW..Jesus is interceding for me!
When I have been witnessing to someone and felt at a loss as to what to say next, I have been reminded that Jesus is interceding for me!
When I have found myself in impossible situations, I've been able to breathe a sigh of relief, because Jesus is interceding for me!
When I've been hurt, I've known that I can go on..because Jesus is interceding for me! He understands..and He's interceding.
As Kay Arthur says, "What a divine and incomprehensible mystery! What a marvelous reality to live by, moment by moment!"
My prayer truly is that each one of us will simply remember this truth. We are never alone in any situation. We are never left to our own wisdom, ability or endurance. Jesus is interceding!
When Jesus hung on the cross, He said, "It is finished". Therefore, according to Hebrews, His ministry on our behalf now is to continually intercede for us! That is what He lives to do for us now. Isn't that incredible?
When you are in a difficult situation, and don't know how to pray..when the words wont even come..you don't have to worry..Jesus is interceding on your behalf. The more I think about this, the more it ministers to me. I have gone through different situations, and thought to myself..Right NOW..Jesus is interceding for me!
When I have been witnessing to someone and felt at a loss as to what to say next, I have been reminded that Jesus is interceding for me!
When I have found myself in impossible situations, I've been able to breathe a sigh of relief, because Jesus is interceding for me!
When I've been hurt, I've known that I can go on..because Jesus is interceding for me! He understands..and He's interceding.
As Kay Arthur says, "What a divine and incomprehensible mystery! What a marvelous reality to live by, moment by moment!"
My prayer truly is that each one of us will simply remember this truth. We are never alone in any situation. We are never left to our own wisdom, ability or endurance. Jesus is interceding!
Isaiah 49:16a "Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands"
The people of Israel wondered if God had deserted them in Babylon..but Isaiah pointed out that God would never leave them, just as a mother would never leave her child. In fact, God had "graven" or inscribed them on the palms of His hands.
On Monday of this week, I got to watch my little grandson, and we decided to make a gift for his mother for Mother's Day.. I had bought a little handprint kit at the craft store...many of us made these as kids at school. I remember making one in kindergarten. You take the dough and stretch press it down into a mold, and then you simply press your hand into it. Eventually, it hardens and you have a perfect imprint of your hand. Kaleb and I worked on this Monday, and after we finished the handprint, we stamped his name into it. Once the dough is hardened, that print will be there forever. You can see perfectly every little line in his hand, and honestly I want to make one of him for me now. It is simply precious! I remember the excitement of taking my handprint home as a child, and my mother crying. I can't wait to see my daughter in law's face when Kaleb and I give her this special gift. The heart of a mother toward her child is like no other. Even when our kids are grown, we never forget our child. That love never diminishes in any way.
It is the same way with God. The verse right before this one says exactly that. "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee". Beloved, whatever else may be going on in your life at the moment, you can be sure that God has not forgotten you.
Unfortunately, we are living in a world that is FULL of corruption, and even more unfortunate is that it hasn't eluded the church, or in some cases even the pastor. We are surrounded by it in the workplace. We wonder at times, God where are you? Have you forgotten us? If, in your own life, you are feeling surrounded, like I am, by absolute corruption, remember this..your God loves you enough to have inscribed YOU on the palm of His hand. He has not forgotten YOU, or the wrong that may have been done to you. "There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked"..Each day, beloved, continue to do right, and let God deal with whatever you are surrounded with...
One day, we will see Him face to face. We will see the imprint of the nails on His hands, the scars that remain, are a reminder of the love that He has for you..and for me. He loved us enough to die for us..to lay down His life..When you really think about it, not much else matters.
On Monday of this week, I got to watch my little grandson, and we decided to make a gift for his mother for Mother's Day.. I had bought a little handprint kit at the craft store...many of us made these as kids at school. I remember making one in kindergarten. You take the dough and stretch press it down into a mold, and then you simply press your hand into it. Eventually, it hardens and you have a perfect imprint of your hand. Kaleb and I worked on this Monday, and after we finished the handprint, we stamped his name into it. Once the dough is hardened, that print will be there forever. You can see perfectly every little line in his hand, and honestly I want to make one of him for me now. It is simply precious! I remember the excitement of taking my handprint home as a child, and my mother crying. I can't wait to see my daughter in law's face when Kaleb and I give her this special gift. The heart of a mother toward her child is like no other. Even when our kids are grown, we never forget our child. That love never diminishes in any way.
It is the same way with God. The verse right before this one says exactly that. "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee". Beloved, whatever else may be going on in your life at the moment, you can be sure that God has not forgotten you.
Unfortunately, we are living in a world that is FULL of corruption, and even more unfortunate is that it hasn't eluded the church, or in some cases even the pastor. We are surrounded by it in the workplace. We wonder at times, God where are you? Have you forgotten us? If, in your own life, you are feeling surrounded, like I am, by absolute corruption, remember this..your God loves you enough to have inscribed YOU on the palm of His hand. He has not forgotten YOU, or the wrong that may have been done to you. "There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked"..Each day, beloved, continue to do right, and let God deal with whatever you are surrounded with...
One day, we will see Him face to face. We will see the imprint of the nails on His hands, the scars that remain, are a reminder of the love that He has for you..and for me. He loved us enough to die for us..to lay down His life..When you really think about it, not much else matters.
Let nothing be done through strife or conceit...
Philippians 2:3-4 "Let nothing be done through strife or conceit...but in lowliness of mind, let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others"
If you look up the word "nothing" in Webster's dictionary, it literally means...NOTHING! So, what this verse is literally saying is don't let anything in your life be done through strife..don't let anything in your life be done through conceit. Let each of us think about the needs of others in all that we do. Don't just look at your own life and what your needs are..but look at the cares and concerns that other people are facing, and let your heart be touched by the needs of others.
Conceit can literally ruin a church, but true humility can build it. Conceit or "vainglory" as the King James says, can ruin a friendship, but being "lowly of mind" can grow it. The Bible is not talking about putting ourselves down here. It is talking about having a true perspective on ourselves. Over and over in the scriptures, we are told not to judge others, and one verse explains why. When we judge other people, we are usually doing the same things that we are judging them for..maybe just in a different fashion.
Paul is encouraging us here to lay aside selfishness, and to treat others with respect and courtesy. Considering the interests and concerns of others as being more important than our own links us with Jesus, who was the true example of humility.
One of the ways that I like to live out this verse is by getting my mind off of myself and think about what someone around me might be needing at the time. I am asking all of you to join me in that today. Simply praying for someone else can usher in to your own life, such peace. Making a meal for someone might bring more joy than a trip to Disneyland. We are here to love each other, lift each other up, and encourage.
There is a need in my church that I would like to ask each of you to be in prayer for today. A young man is missing in our church. He is the son of our worship leader, and he has been missing since last Wednesday. I don't have a lot of details, but will share as I learn more. I am asking each of you today if you would pray for this family..and for this young man. His name is Joe, and he is 16. Would you forward this to one person today, and ask them to pray? I am reminded as I write this that the fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much. This is a precious and most beloved family. Each of us knows how we would feel if our child were missing..so today..may each of us in lowliness of mind, esteem others better than ourselves. May we look not on our own situations, but take some time to look also on the things and situations of others..and then..be a blessing.
Today, may you sense His presence in your life...and may you be blessed beyond measure!
If you look up the word "nothing" in Webster's dictionary, it literally means...NOTHING! So, what this verse is literally saying is don't let anything in your life be done through strife..don't let anything in your life be done through conceit. Let each of us think about the needs of others in all that we do. Don't just look at your own life and what your needs are..but look at the cares and concerns that other people are facing, and let your heart be touched by the needs of others.
Conceit can literally ruin a church, but true humility can build it. Conceit or "vainglory" as the King James says, can ruin a friendship, but being "lowly of mind" can grow it. The Bible is not talking about putting ourselves down here. It is talking about having a true perspective on ourselves. Over and over in the scriptures, we are told not to judge others, and one verse explains why. When we judge other people, we are usually doing the same things that we are judging them for..maybe just in a different fashion.
Paul is encouraging us here to lay aside selfishness, and to treat others with respect and courtesy. Considering the interests and concerns of others as being more important than our own links us with Jesus, who was the true example of humility.
One of the ways that I like to live out this verse is by getting my mind off of myself and think about what someone around me might be needing at the time. I am asking all of you to join me in that today. Simply praying for someone else can usher in to your own life, such peace. Making a meal for someone might bring more joy than a trip to Disneyland. We are here to love each other, lift each other up, and encourage.
There is a need in my church that I would like to ask each of you to be in prayer for today. A young man is missing in our church. He is the son of our worship leader, and he has been missing since last Wednesday. I don't have a lot of details, but will share as I learn more. I am asking each of you today if you would pray for this family..and for this young man. His name is Joe, and he is 16. Would you forward this to one person today, and ask them to pray? I am reminded as I write this that the fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much. This is a precious and most beloved family. Each of us knows how we would feel if our child were missing..so today..may each of us in lowliness of mind, esteem others better than ourselves. May we look not on our own situations, but take some time to look also on the things and situations of others..and then..be a blessing.
Today, may you sense His presence in your life...and may you be blessed beyond measure!
LOVE NEVER ENDS 1 Corinthians 13:8-13
Dear Father, O God of love!
Let me possess love, for love never ends.
I know that prophecy,tongues,and knowledge will pass away,
for they are all incompleteand unfinished.
When the complete and perfect comes,
everything incomplete and unfinished will be gone.
Enable me to put away the things of childhood -
the way I reasoned, the way I spoke -
and help me become mature.
Now I see through a mirror dimly, but then face to face.
Now I know in part,but then I shall understand,
even as I have been fully understood.
Faith, hope, and love are the truly enduring qualities,
but you proclaim love the greatest.
Fill me with love!
In the name of the loving Jesus and by his authority I come to
you, asking these things according to his will.
Eldon Degge
Let me possess love, for love never ends.
I know that prophecy,tongues,and knowledge will pass away,
for they are all incompleteand unfinished.
When the complete and perfect comes,
everything incomplete and unfinished will be gone.
Enable me to put away the things of childhood -
the way I reasoned, the way I spoke -
and help me become mature.
Now I see through a mirror dimly, but then face to face.
Now I know in part,but then I shall understand,
even as I have been fully understood.
Faith, hope, and love are the truly enduring qualities,
but you proclaim love the greatest.
Fill me with love!
In the name of the loving Jesus and by his authority I come to
you, asking these things according to his will.
Eldon Degge
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