Song of Solomon 1:15 "Behold, you are fair, my love! Behold, you are fair!"

My child, do not let the words of others influence you unduly...neither their praise or their criticism. Weigh each for it's proper value,and come back to Me again.Only in communion with Me can you be sure of the truth. If I correct you, you know it is for your betterment. If I encourage you with a word of praise, it is because I know you need it; so rejoice in it and accept it wholeheartedly.

If you will accept My love and My approval, you will be courageous to face whatever may come up in your life more decisively and the more you will be set free. I want your life, character and personality to be as beautiful and lovely as I imagined the day I created you. Live close to Me, and let Me remold and rec-create until I see in you the image of all I want you to be.

I love you, My child. You are very dear and special to Me. Through your childhood years, I walked very close to you, and you have become aware of My presence in your life. You have climbed many mountains that you could have easily walked around...but you have realized that I am with you, and have always been.

Come to Me as your source of strength. I will rebuild in those areas that have been damaged..simply for the sake of making you strong and well. Anticipate My help. I will not fail you. I have not left you to fend for yourself or to make your way by your own devices. I am the Lord, your God. I care for you with a deep and tender love...and it is a joy to My heart, when you simply...rely on Me.

Frances Roberts

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