Isaiah 41:17-18 "The poor and the needy seek water, but there is none. Their tongues fail for thirst. I, the Lord, will hear them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them. I will open rivers in desolate heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water"
Behold, you are in the hollow of My hand. Yes, in the moment that you lift your voice to cry out to Me, and when you raise your voice to praise and magnify My Name, then shall My glory gather you up. Yes, I shall wrap you in the garments of joy, and My presence shall be your great reward.
Lift your eyes to Mine. You shall know without a doubt that I love you. Lift your voice to Me in praise; in this way, a fountain shall be opened within you, and you will drink of it's refreshing waters.
Pour out your heart to Me. From the deepest recesses of your being, let your love flow forth to Me. Let your lips utter My Name. Let your praises rise in the daytime and in the night. Then you will lie down in peace, and rise up in joy, and you will partake of a perpetual fountain. As it is written.."Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water" John 7:38
Let the Word of God dwell in you richly; for My Words, they are Spirit, and they are Life. They are living and powerful, and you shall wield them in faith effectively against the powers of darkness.
Behold, you are in My embrace. Rest there. For My Spirit, and My ways are not to be mastered by intellect, but My loved is to be received by those who long after Me and who reciprocate in kind. As faith receives the promises, and those who seek Me are the recipients of the gift of faith, even so, to those who long for a closer relationship with Me, will I give a special portion of My love, so that they may have the power to love Me in return as I have loved them.
I give Myself, and My love fully, not measured out in portions. I will open My heart to you. I hide you in my heart, and it is my desire that you continually experience My peace and My joy. You will no longer go in and out..but you will dwell in Me as I have dwelt in you.
Frances Roberts
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