Job 42:5 "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You"

Maybe someone you know initially told you about God. Maybe it was a friend or someone you work with. Maybe you continue to hear about Him on Sunday mornings and like Job you say to yourself, "I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear"..but your Lord and Savior wants you to also be able to say, "but now my eyes see you"

When Job spoke those words, he wasn't saying that he physically saw God. He was referring to the moment when he had a personal revelation of God. Somehow, in some way, the head knowledge that he had of God, had gone deep into his heart. That is God's wish for all of us. I believe it's the reason He says in Deuteronomy 4:29 "But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find Him, if thou seek Him with all thy heart and with all thy soul".

I heard a man of God preach one time and he said that he believes many people have missed knowing God about 18 inches. In other words, they have a head knowledge of God..but they have no heart knowledge..they don't truly KNOW Him. It was important that Job had a personal revelation of God. He had been through some difficult things. He was trying to understand why. God never really answered the why question..but He did answer the Who question. He reminded Job of Who He is. If we don't know God personally...if we don't have a personal revelation of Him..who and what will we trust when we have trials in our lives?

We, like Job, may not ever understand all the why's in our lives. But when we have been seeking God..with all our heart and soul, and we KNOW Him..we will certainly be able to say, "I may not understand..but I trust you Lord. I know that you love me. I know that you see what is happening to me. I know that you care. I may not know the why's of my situation..but I know that I am still in your very loving and capable hand."

Beloved, my prayer for each of us today is you will have a personal revelation of Him..that as you are reading your Bible, or hearing His Word being preached, it will touch you deeply..that in the depth of your very soul, you will be able to say, as Job did, "I see you, Lord". He promises that if we seek Him, we will find Him. Keep seeking.

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