Believeth on Him

Romans 4:5 "But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justified the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness"

Some folks, when they realize that we are saved by God through faith, start to worry if they have enough. They wonder if their faith is strong enough or deep enough. When we are thinking along those lines, we are missing the point. It was Jesus Christ who saved us. It is He who has justified the ungodly, not we ourselves. Salvation is not based on feelings or even actions. Jesus is strong enough to save us, no matter how weak we may see ourselves. Salvation is a gift..simply because He loves us..not because we have earned it.

God also says that we can come boldly before His throne when we do bring our needs to Him. I personally do not believe that He wants us to come to Him afraid or even feeling unworthy. When we are "IN Christ", we can have the assurance that His death, burial and resurrection have justified us, and qualified us to not only come to Him boldly, but to receive from Him.

This was the kind of boldness that the woman with the issue of blood had when she touched Jesus. By touching Him, she knew that she was breaking a Levitical law which states that anyone with a bodily discharge is unclean and should not even appear in public..let alone touch another person. But she refused to feel condemned by the law. She believed what she had heard about Jesus and she was confident that there would be only love and compassion from Him. She boldly pressed her way through the crowd to touch Jesus, who in turn spoke to her.."daughter, your faith has made you whole".

Romans 4:5 talks about faith that believes that God justifies even the ungodly when they simply come to Him. When you believe this, it gives you boldness to come to God, even when you are feeling "unclean" because you've just blown it.

When you have failed in some way, don't run away from God. Run TO Him..boldly...knowing that you are justified by the blood of Christ and not by your good behavior. Remember today that you are not only His child..but that you are deeply loved.

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