Man shall not live by bread alone...

Matthew 4:4 "But He answered and said, 'It is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" '.

The Bible tells us that God breathed into man and he became a living being. (Gen. 2:7) It also tells us that all scripture is God breathed ((2 Tim 3:16). This means that when you read the Bible or when you listen to God's Word being preached, you are imbibing the very breath of God, which gives us life.

Have you ever walked into church on a Sunday morning feeling tired at first, but left at the end of the service feeling rejuvenated, refreshed and even energized? God's word has breathed life into your body! God's word is alive!

A friend of mine told me a remarkable story a couple of years ago. She was diagnosed with a disease that would have taken her life..the doctors really hadn't given her any hope of ever being well again..but she began to read God's word..she literally "bathed" herself in the Word of God...and she began to get stronger. One afternoon, as she laid down on her bed, she opened her Bible, and laid it on top of the area in her body where the illness was. I'm not at all saying that doing this is some type of "method" for being cured..but saturating yourself with the living Word of God according to Proverbs 4:22 gives life to all who find His word... and His word gives health to all their flesh. My friend today is whole and healthy. She took God at His word.

Jesus said that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. If it is important to our physical bodies to eat a healthy meal every day, of how much greater importance it is to "feast" daily on the Word of God. He made us..and He knows and recommends what our bodies need daily. We need Him!

So, whatever else you do today, remember to get your daily feeding of God's Word. Beloved, you cannot live when you stop breathing...and in the same way you cannot live without the Word of God because it is the very breath of God, which brings you life and health.

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