Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not on thine own understanding."

"My child, lean your head upon My bosom. Well I know your weariness, and every burden I would lift. Never bury your griefs; but offer them up to Me. You will relieve your soul of much strain if you can lay every care in My hand. Never cling to any trouble, hoping to resolve it yourself...but turn it over to Me; and in doing so, you will free Me to work it out."

This very simple statement was written by Frances J. of my favorite authors. I would simply add this to it..don't lean on what you think you know. Lean on Him. Offer to Him every hurt, every situation, every misunderstanding. Don't try to reason out your situation.

Don't think that you have to have everything in your life figured out before you can move forward. Trust Him. Often, we only have enough light on the path we are walking, to see the next step...and that's ok. We don't need to see the entire path. What we do need, is to trust God.

He knows every burden you carry. He is acquainted with your grief. Don't hold on to those things. Hold on to holding on to are letting go of the things that may hinder you. Hold on to Him, that you may be free to enjoy the life that He died to give you, beloved. May you have a deep sense of His presence as you go through your weekend. Much love to all of you.

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