Ephesians 1:5-6 "Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will..to the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved"
Ok..is it just me, or does anyone else feel like dancing a hallelujah dance? This to me is one of the most excitiing passages of scripture in the entire Bible! The word "predistinated" in verse 5 actually means "beforehand"..God has literally adopted us as His own children, and knew before we ever came into being that He would make a way for us to become His child..through Jesus sacrifice on the cross, we have been brought in to the family of God! Now we are joint heirs with Jesus! Amazing!
In Roman law, adopted children had the same rights and privileges as natural children. Paul uses this term to show how strong our relationship to God truly is. Because Ray and I actually went through the adoption process, and tried to bring a little girl here from China, (because of red tape, it didn't happen)..but I get this picture in my mind of the faces of all the children who need someone to love them..who are homeless until someone takes them in..who have been rejected by the world and simply need to be loved..and my heart breaks..I wish I could take in every child who needs a family.
These are God's sentiments exactly! He simply says "come" and be part of my family. "Come" and let me be your Father. "Come" and let me bring you into a large family, where you'll have many brothers and sisters. "Come" and allow me to make you a joint heir with my Son, Jesus. "Come" and let me lead you. "Come"..and experience redemption through the blood of Christ. "Come" and experience forgiveness. "Come" and let me bless you with wisdom. "Come" and allow Me to give you a gift..it's called salvation.
Obviously, I could go on and on..Friends..you are ACCEPTED in the beloved. Your heavenly Father went to great lengths to ADOPT you and bring you into the family of God. All He asks of you is to "come".
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