Revelation 1:7 "Look, He is coming in the clouds"

Clouds..times of tempests and confusion, darkness and doubt, weakness and fear. When our usual warmth, ease and clear vision of the sun is obscured, this is when the Lord arrives. Take heart when the thunder crashes and you think the next bolt of lightning is aimed at you. Contrary to our very human nature, when the clouds roll in and everything appears bleak, the greatest clearing is about to enter our personal life.
Noah didn't exactly have good weather. Neither did the disciples when they were tossed about in the boat, while Jesus slept peacefully below deck. We were never told to expect clear skies and plenty of sun. For generations, we have been taught to expect the storms of life, and not only that, but to be of good cheer. Why? Because Jesus has already overcome the world! He often waits until the moment is right, and the storm swirls and rages in our lives. He waits for us to scan the skies, looking for His presence in the clouds. He wants us to sleep peacefully throughout, knowing that with the gesture of His hand, He can quiet wind and waves.
K Armstrong

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