Ezekiel 1:25 "Then there came a voice from above the expanse over their heads, as they stood with lowered wings"

What is the significance of these words: "They stood with lowered wings"? People often wonder, and I have been one of them..."How can I hear the voice of the Lord?" I believe the answer may be found in this passage. These "living creatures" (vs 5) heard His voice when they "stood with lowered wings"
We have all seen a bird flutter it's wings while standing in place. But in this verse, we are told that "there came a voice...as they stood with lowered wings"
Do you ever sit, or even kneel before the Lord, and yet are conscious of a fluttering in your spirit? Maybe your mind wanders to the events of the day. Maybe there is some stress, or some situation that you find yourself dealing with, and it's difficult to simply stand still, not just physically, but spiritually, in the presence of God.
I shared this recently but I think it is worth repeating. About two weeks ago on the day that we had made the arrangements for my sister after she had passed away, the Lord spoke to me..to be still. I am one of those who am frustrated from time to time, wondering why it seems so difficult to hear the voice of God in my spirit..but that day, I knew..I knew that He had spoken to me to simply be still. He spoke to me that day (not in a voice I could hear, but in my spirit)...that He loved me..that He wanted to carry me..that He wanted to bring peace..that He wanted me to know Him in a much deeper way..to not only receive healing for what was a very hurtful situation..but to KNOW the HEALER. I knew that He was speaking to me that He wanted me to know not only the healing, but the Healer!
That night, I asked for His help..I was pretty stirred up that day..but I asked Him to calm my jagged nerves..and to help me to simply "be still". My God was and is so faithful. I could sense the anxiety from the day's events beginning to leave..and in it's place was peace. I cried, but not because I was upset any more..oh, the pain was still there..but so was something else..the peace that passes understanding..and the Savior who has carried me from that day to this.
Today, ask Jesus to help you to simply be still..He wants to give you peace. He wants to carry you through whatever challenges you may face. He wants you to sense His presence in your life...because beloved..He is there..and He loves you.

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