You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent Psalm 30:11-12

It begins quietly, this revolution of joy, with a steady rumbling growing inside and a gray haze lifting as light begins to break through. At first, the mere absence of "awful" feels heavenly. Soon enough, we are surprised to hear our own laughter, like our joy is an old friend who has come back into our life. You start to develop that spring in your step. You put lipstick on at a stoplight and smile when you flip the mirror open. The CD you're playing is playing songs that minister to you.
You realize that the absence of "awful" is not good enough for you. It was for freedom that Christ set us free. Remember? Beloved, God wants to heal you..from whatever has hurt you..whether it was the cutting remarks of someone, the pain of losing someone you love, being rejected by someone you so much want to love you, the depression that had seemed to settle over your life like a large black cloud...God wants you whole..and He is your Healer. When He heals you, He will stop at nothing short of joy!
The other day, I was feeling blue..some things were going on in my life that were a challenge. We were on our way to church that morning and the sky was cloudy. All of a sudden, the rays from the sun broke through the clouds, and they were incredible. I still couldn't see the sun..only the rays sweeping down over the earth in all their brilliance. In that moment, God reminded me that no matter what "storm" is over my life, He is still "in" the storm. I may not see Him, but He is there.
Beloved, in whatever area you are hurting today, cry out to your Him..invite Him in to your situation. He truly wants to see you whole..and remember that even though you may not see Him..He is there.

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