Psalm 139:1 "Oh Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me"

Your God KNOWS you! I've said in the past..He knows me..and He loves me anyway..but I am starting to get a fuller picture in the eyes of my heart, and to the depth of my being..about the fact that not only, did God create me..not only does He love me..but He KNOWS me. He knows the struggles that I have..and yet He loves me. He knows when I am fearful..and yet..He loves me. He knows when I am overwhelmed. He knows how my mind works and the battles that I have. He knows the hurts that I have faced. He knows the victories. He knows my deepest longings. He knows my strengths and my weaknesses...He KNOWS me..and He LOVES me.
This morning, as I listened to Beth Moore, she told a story about her little dog Beanie..( I LOVE that name!)..Beth and her husband must live out in the country..because their little dog had a run-in with a porcupine. The porcupine must have backed right up to the dog because his little face was full of very painful needles. The poor thing ran up to Beth's husband, wracked with pain. The dog was trembling, but he laid his chin on Keith's knee, as he gently, one by one, pulled out the very painful needles from the dog's face. The little dog had to put his trust in his owner. It must have hurt so much to have them removed..but the pain would have been even greater if the needles had been left in the little dog's face. Infection could have set in, and eventually the little dog could have died.
This was such a good illustration to me..because I..and some of you as well..have had a run-in with a porcupine. We have been stung by the criticism of a co-worker or a spouse. We've been led to believe by someone that we have finally outsinned the grace of God. We have literally been fighting a spiritual battle with the forces of darkness that we have no idea how to combat any more. The devil has tried to rob us of our joy, and our peace. He has tried to fill our minds with a lot of "traffic" and the "what ifs".
But Beloved..God is not only a God who KNOWS you intimately..He is also your Redeemer. When you have felt absolutely ravaged by can go to Him..lay your quivering head on His knee, and let Him gently remove the needles that have worked their way in to your by one. It may be a painful process at times..but I can trust Him. Your God doesn't want to leave you in the condition you're in when you have been hurt or going through a difficult situation. Coming to Jesus, and simply pouring out your heart..pain and all..(I promise He can take whatever you tell Him)..and then trusting Him to work in your situation, even when it's painful, will actually increase your intimacy with God. You will begin to KNOW Him! You will begin to understand as Beth said this is because He FIRST loved you..that you are drawn to that love like a flame to a candle..and your love and trust for Him, will begin to soar..and those things that once held you captive, will seem like only faint memories as the peace, joy and trust begin to return to your life.

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