Deuteronomy 28:3 "Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country"

You may have known someone who thought that they might have better "luck" moving to a new home or a new town or even a new state. Maybe they felt that things would go better if they changed jobs..or that life would be better if only their situation were different.

The truth is that it is not the place that brings the blessings that are in your life when you are a child of God.. it is Him! When you are His child, you are already blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3). He has paid for your blessings with His blood..and those blessings are on the man..the person..YOU!

It was in the city of Jerusalem that Jesus was whipped, cursed and spat on. And it was outside the city on Calvary's hill that He was pierced and crucified. That is why you are blessed inside the city as well as outside in the country. You are blessed beloved..whatever your location might be.

Maybe you work for a non-Christian and you are not your bosses' favorite are still blessed in spite of your boss. Your blessing has nothing to do with your boss or with the company you work has to do with the fact that you are a child of God.

We don't always "see" or "feel" the blessings of God...and when we don't recognize God's hand in our lives..we need to check ourselves..not Him. Sometimes in our flesh, we tend to complain, and blame everyone around us..for what we see as our "lack" of blessing..but we are blessed because of Jesus' finished work on the cross..not for any other reason.

It doesn't matter where you work, live, what color your skin is, or what you do for a living. If God says you are blessed, YOU ARE BLESSED! And it is all because of Jesus!

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