Romans 12:3 "God has dealt to each one the measure of faith"

As children of God, we should never believe for a moment that we don't have any faith. To think this would be to think God a liar..because His Word tells us that God has dealt to each one of us the measure of faith. Why then, do some people seem to have so much faith, while others seem to have none?

Faith is like a muscle. All of us are born with a measure of muscles. Some of us develop them better than others. Some exercise and their muscles become stronger. Others are more sedentary and their muscles atrophy. Likewise, our faith grows stronger when we use it. It also grows stronger when we feed it. Any time that we read or hear God's word, we are feeding our faith. When we begin to confess His Word out of our mouths, and believe it as being true, our faith grows even more.

Beloved, you have been given faith. God gave it to each of us. Start using it, believing that it is this measure of faith that causes you to draw from the inexhaustible power of a faithFULL and loving God!

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