John 11:6 "Yet when He heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was two more days"

This miraculous story actually begins with the words, "Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus"..It is as if God were teaching us that at the very heart and foundation of all His dealing in our lives, no matter how dark or mysterious they may be, we must dare to believe that He loves us. He wants us to know that love and believe in His infinite, and unchanging love.
Mary and Martha didn't seem to doubt that Jesus would quickly avert any and every obstacle to keep their brother from death, "yet when He heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was for two more days". The word "yet" in that passage is almost startling.
Jesus refrained from going..but it was not because He didn't love them...because He DID love them..and yet He waited. I have often wondered if He wanted to go..if He wanted to rush to the relief of those beloved and hurting hearts in an effort to end their grief. It would have been such a comfort for Him to wipe the tears and to cause their sorrow and pain to flee. YET..He waited.
Have you ever felt like Christ was slow in responding to your need?....and YET..He loves you as well. Somehow, Jesus knows the need in us that is deeper than the need that we even know we have. Somehow He knows the deep work that needs to be done in us.. in our hearts. Somehow He is able to refrain at times until the change is brought about in us..the learning to trust more, the heart of complete abandonment to God, the knowing..that He is in our situation because He would never leave us or forsake us..
When you don't see answers to your prayers, don't ever believe the lie that God isn't interested..or didn't hear..or doesn't care. Believe the TRUTH..that He is very much concerned for you..and that He is doing a work in your life that is beneath the surface..something that you can't yet see. When a woman gives birth, you can't see the child for the first 9 months, and when God is doing a work in you, the miracle of what He is doing inside you is hidden as well..until He allows you to give birth. He is indeed doing something wonderful in you. If His timing seems slow to you, remember that change takes time. It takes time for an apple seed to sprout into a tiny little sapling..and then to grow into a beautiful, healthy and strong tree that bears fruit..and it may take time for the harvest in your life..but your Lord and Savior will be with you every step of the way...because..He loves YOU!

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