I Peter 1:18-19 "Forasmuch as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold...but with the precious blood of Christ,

A slave was redeemed when someone paid money to buy his freedom. God has redeemed us. He has purchased our freedom...not with money..but with the precious blood of His Son. Christ's sacrifice for us was not an afterthought..not something that God decided to do when the world got out of control. This plan was set in motion by the all-knowing eternal God long before the world was created. By sacrificing His life, Christ showed every one of us that He truly loved us.
When we stand at the foot of the cross, we see hands, feet, and side.. pouring forth crimson streams of precious blood. It is "precious" because of it's redeeming and atoning value. By it, our sins are forgiven. By it, the law was fulfilled. By it, we are reconciled to God. By it, we are cleansed and made whole.
Through the blood of Jesus, there is not a spot left on any believer. We stand accepted before God. Recently, I have heard the most beautiful song that some of you may have also heard. I will end today with the chorus.
Your Name is Jesus. Your Name is Jesus.You're the Wonderful Counselor, my Friend.You're what I hold on to..I know that You've brought me through..All the days of loss to the cross, You knew..That I'd need a Savior.I'd need a Savior.I need YOU, Savior.
Beloved, everything else on this earth will one day fade away...possessions, accomplishments..will be gone..but the love of your Savior is permanent. Today, remind yourself that there is no motive for devotion to Him so great, as that which streams from the veins of Jesus.

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