Isaiah 49:16a "Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands"

The people of Israel wondered if God had deserted them in Babylon..but Isaiah pointed out that God would never leave them, just as a mother would never leave her child. In fact, God had "graven" or inscribed them on the palms of His hands.

On Monday of this week, I got to watch my little grandson, and we decided to make a gift for his mother for Mother's Day.. I had bought a little handprint kit at the craft store...many of us made these as kids at school. I remember making one in kindergarten. You take the dough and stretch press it down into a mold, and then you simply press your hand into it. Eventually, it hardens and you have a perfect imprint of your hand. Kaleb and I worked on this Monday, and after we finished the handprint, we stamped his name into it. Once the dough is hardened, that print will be there forever. You can see perfectly every little line in his hand, and honestly I want to make one of him for me now. It is simply precious! I remember the excitement of taking my handprint home as a child, and my mother crying. I can't wait to see my daughter in law's face when Kaleb and I give her this special gift. The heart of a mother toward her child is like no other. Even when our kids are grown, we never forget our child. That love never diminishes in any way.

It is the same way with God. The verse right before this one says exactly that. "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee". Beloved, whatever else may be going on in your life at the moment, you can be sure that God has not forgotten you.

Unfortunately, we are living in a world that is FULL of corruption, and even more unfortunate is that it hasn't eluded the church, or in some cases even the pastor. We are surrounded by it in the workplace. We wonder at times, God where are you? Have you forgotten us? If, in your own life, you are feeling surrounded, like I am, by absolute corruption, remember this..your God loves you enough to have inscribed YOU on the palm of His hand. He has not forgotten YOU, or the wrong that may have been done to you. "There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked"..Each day, beloved, continue to do right, and let God deal with whatever you are surrounded with...

One day, we will see Him face to face. We will see the imprint of the nails on His hands, the scars that remain, are a reminder of the love that He has for you..and for me. He loved us enough to die for lay down His life..When you really think about it, not much else matters.

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