For what if some did not believe?

Romans 3:3 "For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?"

I suspect that nearly all of the sorrow in my life can be traced to simple unbelief. If I truly believe that the past is totally forgiven, the present is supplied with the presence and power of Christ, and the future is bright with hope, filled with the promise that one day my faith will become my sight, how could I be anything but completely happy?

Yes, the future is bright because of God's faithfulness. His abiding truth does not change with my mood..and He never waivers when I stumble or fall. His faithfulness stands firm and prominent as the mountain peaks.

Unbelief continually asks the questions..How? Why? When? Is it possible? Yet faith's answer to all of the questions we could conjure up in our minds, has one simple answer..God! I truly believe that if even one believer, full of faith, rises up, and begins to stand on that faith, the history of the world would be changed.

Will you be that one? Prayer with faith brings the omnipotence of God to the support of our petitions.
(From Streams in the Desert)

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