I will hear

Isaiah 65:24 "Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear"

God knows the desires of our hearts without our uttering a word. Most of us can take one look at our child, or hear the tone of voice, and we can tell if they are tired or hurting, excited or happy...and so it is with our heavenly Father..but to a much greater degree.

So, we might wonder, if He already knows what we need, or what our heart's desires are, why pray?

Because prayer is a time of relationship.

It's a time to seek not only answers, but the Presence of the One who knows. It's a time to rest in the company of our Maker, and to know that He is God. He wants us to come to Him, to call on Him; He longs to hear our voices, and to offer kindness to His children. When someone you love chooses you first when they need help or comfort, it's an honor. God feels the same way.

When someone loves you, do you ever tire of hearing it?

Neither does He.

K Armstrong

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