The Napkin

John 20:-7 "Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, and the napkin that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself"

This week I learned something new..maybe I had heard this at some time in the past and forgotten it..but I found out this week that it was a Jewish tradition, when you visited someone's home for a meal, to fold up your napkin and leave it placed on the table when you left. This simple gesture actually made a statement to the host, that you wanted to come back. It meant that the guest had enjoyed the meal, and enjoyed the company, and that he or she very much wanted to be invited back..that they wanted to visit again.

There are so many little things that happened during the life of Christ that mean so much. Nothing that happened was insignificant in any way. Everything points back to Him.
After Jesus was crucified and buried in the tomb, Mary Magdalene came early in the morning on the first day of the week, and found the large stone rolled away from the grave. She ran to get Peter and John, who came back to the sepulchre.. and Peter, upon entering it, saw that the grave clothes were left, as if Jesus had passed right through them..but the head piece..the napkin.. was wrapped in a place by itself. The napkin was left in such a way that it made a statement..especially at that time in history. Jesus was simply saying that He is coming back.

After learning that this week, I have to tell you that I don't know if I will ever look at a napkin the same way..ever again! I have thought about making the folded napkin my own way of telling friends and loved ones that I want to be invited back...but I think more than anything, I am reminded that our beloved Lord and Savior IS coming back. The napkin was just another reminder of that promise. One day, every eye will see Him..and every knee will bow. One day, He will break through the clouds.

Tonight when you are having dinner, may you simply be reminded of His return. May you be confident that He will accomplish all that He has promised. May you know that He is the living Christ..and that you can be certain of your own resurrection because of Him. The divine power that brought Jesus back to life is now available to us as well. I will never look at my napkin in the same way again! Praise the Lord!

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