2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you"

I have shared with you all before that I try not to write too much about my own life in these devotions..but once in a while, I feel the need to open my heart to all of you..and to share my the goodness of God in my own life. Most of you know that almost 25 years ago now, we lost two children. We didn't lose them to death. I know this sounds strange to say, but I have at times thought that had I known our children were with Jesus, it would have been painful, but my confidence in their being safe, and loved would have been firm. Because they were with their mom, who we knew to be unstable, we couldn't even let ourselves imagine what kind of life they were living..or who might come into their lives..or what kind of home they lived in, or if they had a home..or a bed..or food to eat. In the years that followed their disappearance, I clung to the above verse. I begged God to make His grace sufficient in my life. I asked the Lord repeatedly for years to make this simple verse true in my life.
And then it happened..at some point, I realized that ALL scripture already is true. I realized that His grace IS sufficient in my life..because He says it is. If I wasn't experiencing that, it wasn't because God had failed me or wasn't answering my prayer. It wasn't because it wasn't true. It was because I wasn't believing it, and walking in that promise.
Beloved, I went to God for years and asked Him for something that already was. He cannot make His grace any more sufficient than it already is. When we believe it, we will find it to be true in our lives.
Child of God, no matter what you are facing today, His grace IS sufficient. If you have lost a loved one, His grace IS sufficient. If you are facing illness, His grace IS sufficient. If you are facing financial challenge, His grace IS sufficient.
The best lesson that I can say I have learned through my experience is simply this: Never change God's facts into anything other than what they are..Simply accept them as realities, and you will find them to be powerful in your life as you believe them.

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