Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever"

Life for most of us is not a steady-paced stroll through time with a beginning, a middle, and an end..like a well-constructed play. It's filled with change. We change schools, careers, homes, relationships, almost as casually as our grandparents changed horses.
Not all change is by choice. Tragedy strikes and our lives change forever. Unfortunately, even divorce has become almost as common in the church as it is in the world. A marriage dissolves, and a woman, who has been linked to her husband by the common thread of Christ, finds her life unraveling and wonders where to go from here. Cherished friendships change in character..or someone else's choice cuts directly across our own, bringing us to a place we never wanted to be.
For the believer, then, this question is vital: Is our God the Lord of change? Will He be with us IN change, especially when it strains our trust to it's limit?
In a threatened world, in the kaleidoscopic whirl of our life patterns, it can be enormously reassuring to remind ourselves that God is unchanging. Malachi 3:6 says, "I the Lord do not change". "Jesus Christ IS the same yesterday, and today, and forever" He will be with us throughout whatever change we face..but we can trust in His character remaining the same.
G. Andrews

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