John 11:4 "Jesus looked up and said, "Father, I thank you that you have heard me"

The sequence of events in this passage seem almost strange. Lazarus was still in his tomb. Yet, Jesus thanked God before the miracle of raising him from the dead. It would seem that thanksgiving would have been lifted up to God once the great miracle had been accomplished, and Lazarus had been restored to life...but Jesus gave thanks for what He was about to receive. His gratitude sprang forth before the blessing had arrived..,before the answer came. His thanksgiving was an expression of assurance that God had heard Him, and that the answer was certainly on its way.
A song of victory was being sung in the confident thanksgiving that Jesus made to the Father. It was the Sower singing that song of thanksgiving. It reminded me of Joshua's triumphant march around the city of Jericho, before the wall fell down.., the priests sounding their trumpets and the people shouting in victorious unison for 7 they waited for the wall to come down...or the song of triumph in 2 Chronicles 20, when once again the enemy was defeated as the children of God worshiped and praised the Lord.
I am not in any way saying that if we praise, we will get something. That isn't why we praise..but today..Thanksgiving prayer is that each of us would spend some time remembering..looking back at all that God has done..all the people He has brought into our lives..all the ways that He has protected us and provided for us.. the fact that we have been saved..the fact that we are forgiven..the work that Jesus did on the cross..and that we would offer up to Him, a confident thanksgiving..knowing that He hears our prayers, and that He inhabits our praises.
Our family started a tradition a few years ago. We all get together, and we go around the room, and each person speaks for a few moments, about what he or she is thankful for. There has never been a time yet, where we weren't in tears..because the truth is..we focus on the wonder of God..and His goodness to us..and He moves in, and inhabits the praises..
I hope that some of you might consider a time today, to just remember what your God has done..and to simply thank Him..from the bottom of your heart. May you all be richly blessed today...and by the way, I am sooooooo thankful..for every one of you.

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