I Timothy 1:14 "The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly"

You can take great comfort in these words of truth. If you are one like me..who can tend to be a bit impatient at times..one who flips to the last chapter of a good book..or who wants to know how a movie is going to end before even watching it..or have even searched for hidden Christmas gifts as a child..take heart..because this Scripture holds your happy ending.
If you were to flip to the last page of your life, these words would complete your story. Regardless of all the trials you may have endured, or the twists and turns of your path, this verse is the outcome of your story.
Someday when you are older, you may look back over your life, and reflect the days leading up to where you are...and you will most certainly conclude that..."the grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly"

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