II Kings 3:17-18 "For thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain

II Kings 3:17-18 "For thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that he may drink, both ye and your cattle..and this is but a light thing in the sight of the Lord.."
To human reason, what God was promising here, seemed impossible..but nothing is too difficult for God. Without a sound..and without any signs..and from a source seemingly invisible and impossible, the water flowed the entire night..and the next morning, there it was..the land was filled with water..and the sun was shining on that water!
Our unbelief is always desiring some outward sign..and the faith of some seems to be based more on sensationalism than anything else. Some are not convinced of the genuineness of God's promises without some visible manifestation. The Israelites watched the parting of the Red Sea, and yet still doubted...and spent 40 years making an 11 day journey. The greatest triumph of a person's faith is simply "to be still........to be Still.......to be....STILL.....and KNOW that He is God."
As we step out in faith, in whatever situation we are in..and without seeing or hearing any sign or any sound..we take our first steps into the water..and we watch as incredibly as it is, those waters begin to divide. Continuing to march ahead, we see a path opening up for us in the midst of the sea that could normally cover our heads.
A.B. Simpson wrote, "Whenever I have seen God's wondrous work in the case of some miraculous healing, or some extraordinary deliverance by His providence, the thing that has always impressed me most was the absolute quietness in which it was done. I have also been impressed by the absence of anything sensational and dramatic, and the utter sense of my own uselessness as I stood in the presence of this mighty God, realizing how easy this all was for Him, without any help from me".
When God speaks to us in a situation, our role is to simply take Him at His word..obey quickly when asked to..and then be still. In the story above, the people were asked to "make this valley full of ditches". They did so, and then were still...as the water came pouring in from God's supernatural source to fill them. What a lesson for our faith!
May the Lord grant each of us the faith that acts "BY faith..and not by sight"..and may we expect to see Him work..even when we see no wind or rain.
Taken in part from Streams in the Desert

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