2 Corinthians 5:7 "We live by faith, not by sight"

As believers, we live by faith, and not by sight. God never wants us to live by our feelings. Sometimes our inner self may want to live by those feelings..and even the devil may want us to, but God wants us to live by faith..and by facts..not feelings. He wants us to face the facts of Christ and His finished and perfect work for us. Once we face those precious facts, and believe them simply because God says that they are facts, He will take care of the feelings.
I don't think that God gives us feelings to enable or encourage us to trust Him, and He never gives them to show us that we have already completely trusted Him. I think that God wants us to trust Him..[period...apart from the feelings..resting solely on His word and His faithfulness..and His promises.
Often, when I am going through a trial, my husband will say to me.."Are those the facts, or is that what you are feeling?" He is trying to help me to differentiate between the two..because our feelings rise up in us during difficult times, causing us to begin to follow them, rather than to stand firm on what we know to be the truth.
Therefore, we must choose between facing our feelings or facing the facts of God. Our feelings may be as uncertain and changing as the sea or shifting sand. God's facts however, are as certain as the Rock of Ages Himself..."Jesus Christ..the same yesterday, today and forever"

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