Colossians 3:2 "Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth"

To set your affection on things above means to look at life from God's perspective and seek what He desires. This concept of an eternal mind set can totally change your life. When you are feeling depressed and blue, just shifting your perspective to focus on the Lord can be all it takes to see things in a different light.
Look up beloved..drink in the warmth of God's presence. This may be your temporary home, but your mind..your focus..each thought..can be changed by simply seeing others through God's eyes. By shifting into that spiritual focus, and looking less at the world around gain gain gain clarity.
We truly can make great strides toward understanding how temporary all of this is. We just need to remember that there is much more going on than what appears to be. When we cannot change our circumstances, we can change our vision.
Today, hide yourself with Christ in God.

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