Genesis 32:24 "So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak"

What different emotions being left alone brings up for each of us. To some, they might mean loneliness or grief, but to others they might mean rest and quiet. To be left alone without God would be too horrible for words, while being left alone WITH Him is a taste of heaven!
Jesus set such an example for us. Do you all remember how often He went to be alone with God? There was a powerful purpose behind His command, "When you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray"
The greatest miracles of Elijah and Elisha took place when they were alone with God. Joshua was alone when God the Lord came to see him. Gideon and Jephthah were alone when commissioned to save Israel. Moses was by himself at the burning bush. Cornelius was praying by himself when the Angel of God came to see him. No one was with Peter on the housetop when he was instructed to go to the Gentiles. John the Baptist was alone in the wilderness. John the Beloved was alone on the island of Patmos when he was the closest to God.
My prayer for every one of us is that we would have a deep desire to spend time alone with God. When we neglect doing so, we not only rob ourselves of a blessing, but in some ways, we even rob others of a blessing that might be poured out on them...and I think we even rob God of the time that He desires to spend with us. The impact of being alone with God and spending time with Him..can't be overemphasized. Today, I hope you will find some time during your busy day to just stop, get someplace quiet, and begin to speak to the One who died for you..and Who longs to spend time with you!
Taken in part from Streams in the Desert

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