2 Corinthians 3:18 "We, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness"

It is possible to live years of our lives under a veil. A veil is not merely an old-fashioned face covering, or something white reserved for a bride..or even something black on a widow's hat...A veil is anything that we hide behind....which then breaks our direct eye contact with God.
What do you hide behind? That's a question that can really make you think. Some hide behind their reputation...or their children..their friends..their money or lack of it..their perceived unworthiness...their past..their mistakes..their definition of themselves...pride..family..job title..or even self image.Coming to Jesus is an unveiling. We have a chance to understand and expose the veil...to come out from behind the curtain of shame. Turn your unveiled face to the Son and let Him shine on you, transforming you into the radiant beauty that He sees in you

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